Integy=Horrible Customer Service

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WoodiE said:
Nice observation!

Just call me Captain Obvious :hehe:.

The charger I had was the Indi 16x2, just about the time nimh became popular. It false peaked left and right. Couldn't even do reciever packs. So I sold the waste of money at a loss, and bought the best I could buy, a Novak Millenium (first generation). I still have the Novak, and it hardly ever false-peaks, and I can charge every one of my packs.

It was the only Integy part ever I've owned, and judging by the quality of it, I will never own another one. Their customer service has sealed it forever for me.
poor poor mw, hey i got some spare shock bits for a savage if you need them. (mostly all plastic no shafts i dont think) lmk brother!!!
Thanks Beason, I got the stockers that came with it back on, no worries. Sent them another e-mail and submitted another ticket, just to see what happens, but I'm not holding my breath on it!
Monkey Wrench said:
"Savage" and that's your real name? LOL!

Holy mother of God that's worth kicking serious ass over. There is no excuse for any company to resort to childish crap like that. Check your PM, you think they are having fun with YOUR name? You can't imagine what I've had. :D

But let me be objective for a minute. As one who has seen the "other side" of this beast, that is, from the retailer's point of view, it seems that too many "customers" feel like they pass over a few bucks and now we're expected to kiss ass, shine shoes, and do it all with a smile. Just because you PAY someone for something doesn't mean you OWN them.

What I'm creeping up to is that this is where the abuse begins:

esavage 26/03/06 13:49[ Edit ] Geez, you think? Is this warranty or not? Come on, this is ridiculous! You are treating me like some moron when the absolute opposite is true! This is a waste of my time! .....

By reacting like this you egged them on. I'm not saying their reactions are in any way professional or even close to acceptable - but what I AM saying is if you wanted replacement you should probably have handled it a little differently. I would have been clued in when he reacted with "what you need is replacement parts."

Again, not saying you were wrong in being pissed, but think of it this way, now that they know you ARE, it's a bonus for them. This is total bull, no company should have anyone working for them that would manage support in this fashion. But . . . being civil works two ways. :D
I think ya should send them all back to them. See what they say. If they wont do anything, tell them to keep them because Integy is a disgrace to Rc and you dont even want that poop near your rc' Thatd be funny. Sorry to hear about your bad luck though bro. That sucks hardcore. Maybe shoot Cooperdildo a email, he might wanna buy them ;)
Yes, rocknbil, I did egg them on, and that was precisely my objective. Having been in B2B sales for over 13 years now, I'm with you. I too have seen both sides of the beast and, as I'm sure you can attest to, it's one thing when a consumer has a beef with a retailer. When a corporate client has an issue with what you sold them, boy oh boy will they let you know!

I am in no way discounting your point because I agree with it, but at the same time, I explained what it was I was looking for from the get go and I knew I could get replacement parts to fix it, but I wanted to know if their warranty would cover it.

As an analogy, if you buy a new set of tires, real nice high-end performance ones, and a month later one blows out as you're tooling down the road. You go back to the tire shop and explain to them that you bought these tires about a month ago, was driving along and it blew out and you'd like to know if the warranty covers them. Cooter looks at you and then the tire and says, "you need a new tire." I think someone would need a great deal of patience not to just slap 'ol Cooter because it's obvious you need a new tire.

Again, let me reiterate, your point is a salient one, one I agree 100% with. I suppose I just got a bit upset at their keen sense of the obvious and snapped a bit.
Candyman said:
They look great, but if they're going to suck ass, then I'll save them for the shelf-queen.

Trust me, they suck.
They look nice, but thats about it.
Read my above post. I destroyed a set in a day.
I was a bit rough on the truck, but my Powerstrokes lasted me a year, and there still fine.

Woodie, look into the Powerstrokes.
RatzoRC said:
look into the Powerstrokes.

Definately....they are SO much nicer than the integy ones....

IF anyone has a set of Integy shocks already I think my fuel tube trick worked to help keep em from blowing up though.....I can't see why mine haven't been torn up yet except I put a small 1/8 to 1/4 inch peice of fuel tube on the inside of the shock body on trhe shaft & under the piston keeps the shock from bottoming out and forcing all the energy into the shafts at full compression...or extension......also using 2 O-rings on teh outside of the shock body on the shaft too.......limits teh travel but keeps your shocks from getting mangled.....
Just the fact that they have the guts to say "Savage" and thats your real name? LOL just makes me want to put my hand through the screen and...beep beep beepety beep and put his mom in the beeb beeb beeeeeeeeeeeeeeb! LOL

I'm sorta glad Integy doesn't sell poop for my buggy. I feel sorry for the guy who will buy the shocks for his savage, brake them and get out of the hobby completely because of the poopy experiance he will have with thier customer service reps.

Just goes to show you what happened to the "Valued Customer"...
related to Fred Savage? (Wonder Years is my Fav. show of all time!)
4u2nv said:
related to Fred Savage? (Wonder Years is my Fav. show of all time!)

OH ya! winni was a little hottie......LOL...I wonder if fred got any?
No, not related to him either. I wish I was related to Macho Man Randy Savage, though! I'd send him over to Integy for a smack down!
I had a great experience with their CS Team.
I got one of the first sets of PB shocks when they came out for my Maxx. One of the bottom caps was machined wrong and they replaced it. It took a little while for them to ship it but all in all it was acceptable.
Still no responses and they have deleted all my tickets in their system. I hope this company goes out of business and the owners end up getting gang raped by Kenneth Lay and Bernie Ebbers!

These asshats!
:in his best macho man voice: oooooooooooooohhhhyeeeeeaaaaahhhh
Funny I found this forum- I have had some great experience throught the quality of Integy products, but I just had an AIM conversation with Integy1 and he said the following:

[19:45] lcdrwashington: so did u have some car that I wanted?
[19:45] lcdrwashington: how much did u want for the fa04 r the fa05
[19:46] INTEGY1: what do you want?
[19:46] lcdrwashington: elec touring car
[19:46] INTEGY1: e-mail me the payment w/ Paypal and I'll send you the car
[19:46] lcdrwashington: wasn't it u I talked to last night
[19:46] lcdrwashington: wut payment
[19:46] lcdrwashington: and wut car
[19:46] lcdrwashington: lol
[19:46] INTEGY1: talk is cheap
[19:46] lcdrwashington: dude
[19:46] lcdrwashington: wut are u talking about?
[19:47] lcdrwashington: u started to tell me what cars u had, then never gave me a price ad that was that
[19:47] lcdrwashington: I couldn't get ahold of you again
[19:47] lcdrwashington: so maybe u have me mixed with someone else
[19:47] lcdrwashington: hello?
[19:48] lcdrwashington: dude wut the heck
[19:48] lcdrwashington: r u there or not?
[19:49] INTEGY1: I'm more expensive than lawyer, if you want to talk ... you'll need to pay 1st after the initial consultation! LOL
[19:49] lcdrwashington: wut r u talkin about
[19:49] lcdrwashington: I just want a price on one of your touring cars
[19:50] lcdrwashington: I have no idea wut u are ranting about
[19:50] lcdrwashington: preferrably the fa04 or fa05
[19:50] lcdrwashington: so if you want to sell them
[19:51] lcdrwashington: and you have a price
[19:51] lcdrwashington: and you actually are serious and not making jokes
[19:51] lcdrwashington: then I am game
[19:51] lcdrwashington: but until Iactually know wut you are talking about
[19:51] lcdrwashington: then I'm not sending any kind of payment
[19:51] lcdrwashington: I haven't even seen pics yet
[19:53] lcdrwashington: hello?
[19:53] lcdrwashington: Are you there or not
[19:54] lcdrwashington: u seriously are acting like ur drunk
[19:54] lcdrwashington: whatever man
[19:54] lcdrwashington: when you are sober and have an idea of who u are talking to then let me know
[19:55] lcdrwashington: whatever man
[19:55] lcdrwashington: u need to go to an AA meeting
[19:58] INTEGY1: you owe me money, pay up or shut up!
[20:05] lcdrwashington: yea nice bud
[20:05] lcdrwashington: I owe you money
[20:05] lcdrwashington: hahahahah
[20:05] lcdrwashington: I've never dealt with you before
[20:05] lcdrwashington: I'm tired of your bullshit
[20:05] INTEGY1: just Paypal me okay?
[20:05] lcdrwashington: u make Integy proud
[20:06] lcdrwashington: wait till I email them this conversation
[20:06] lcdrwashington: hahahahah
[20:06] lcdrwashington: can u say no job?
[20:06] lcdrwashington: they will prob like that "put up or shut up" line
[20:06] Meebo Message: INTEGY1 is offline
[20:06] lcdrwashington: that was ice and quite representative of Integy
[20:06] Meebo Message: INTEGY1 appears offline. Your message may not be received.
[20:06] lcdrwashington: yea I bet u are
[20:07] lcdrwashington: hahaha

:nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:
And one more for the Integy thread of shame...Funny thing is, guys like this won't go out of buisness, they will just change there name, and re-package there same old poopy product under a new name, and continue to give crappy customer service. No integy for me!.
NCNitro said:
And one more for the Integy thread of shame...Funny thing is, guys like this won't go out of buisness, they will just change there name, and re-package there same old poopy product under a new name, and continue to give crappy customer service. No integy for me!.

They already have. They're topcad outside of the us.
Integy SUX

Yeah, I bought a set of Integy piggyback shocks for my first T-Maxx and they were complete crap! After running my maxx for not even a full tank, 3 of the shocks began leaking. I followed the manual explicitly on how to build them, and when I contacted them to let them know what happened thay told me I had probably mis-assembled them and that they would not replace the faulty shocks.

Needless to say, I have not and never will buy anything with the letters INTEGY on another piece of r/c equipment again. That has been 5 years ago and the company could burn to the ground and It would not phase me for a second!

Down with Integy! I say we start a coup against them! Who's with me?

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