Veda vs. Badger airbrushes

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Ok, I guess I could have continued the existing thread with this information but I wanted to make a new one so it would be more easily searchable.

So I started out buying 2 different models of Veda airbrushes not only because they were cheap but because a particular (I use these quotes lightly) "airbrushing instructor" on youtube said they make great beginners airbrushes and that they were just Iwata clones. I wish I could kick this guy square in the nuts!

As you guys know from my other other thread I had various issues with the 2 Veda brushes which lead to various questions here because i didnt know if the problem lay with me or the airbrushes. So I can't really take me out of the equation because i dont know anyone who knows airbrushing so i decided to shell out the cash for a "known good" brand, I bought a Badger Anthem 155. Well I can safely say that it was indeed the airbrushes because not only did i not experience any issues with the Badger I found myself quickly learning how to control the airbrush as well as any noob could hope to do. It will spray nice thick wide areas fairly fast and with alot of practice you can do fine point sharpie thick lines also. I can already tell that this badger is going to become the workhorse of my airbrushing because its perfect for doing RC car bodies. I will probably pick up a .3mm or something finer eventually for pencil thin lines but this brush is the bomb....for what i paid for the 2 Vedas I could have put another 25-30 bucks and got the Badger in the first place.

I also want to address a point that was brought up in the last thread about one of the Vedas that seem to spit a tiny bit of paint when you would push down for airflow without pulling back for paint flow. It was mentioned that your airbrush may do this if you let off of the airflow before letting completely off of the paint flow and to fix that problem one just needed to stop all paint flow before stopping your airflow. While this may fix the problem for the cheaper airbrushes (and maybe its a good habit to get into anyway) I found that no matter how hard I tried I could not get the Badger to spit paint. I shut off the air many time while blasting paint full tilt out of the airbrush and when i pushed down for air only not so much as a single little atomized droplet hit the paper.

The moral of this story is while every once in a blue moon you may find a cheaper budget hobby item that is worth every penny you pay for it most of the time your flushing money down the drain. Veda airbrushes and probably all of the cheap airbrushes arent worth the box they are shipped in. Can you get by with one? Sure i imagine you could but the Badger was such a pleasure to use I'll never buy a cheap airbrush again.
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My wife wants to learn how to airbrush so she can paint RC cars and 1:1's too! How cool is that?! She saw how much fun I was having with the new Badger and not cussing up a storm and saying "WTF?!" to myself everytime I turned around it got her interested in it and I was not allowed to play anymore that night....LMAO. Her first time picking up an airbrush was love at first spray! :)

I know she isnt holding it right but she was so intense when she started messing with it I didnt want to correct her at first...i kinda just wanted to see what she would do with it. :)

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Buying a "clone" might mean that it looks like the Iwata. There's NO WAY that the internal quality is equal.
I learned the same lesson you did years ago when I started to buy my own tools. My father told me to spend a little extra and get one that would last. I didn't, and tried to save a buck by buying a cheaper one.
Add up the money you wasted by throwing away cheap tools when you could have gotten a good one that would last a lifetime.
There's a reason they cost more. They're quality and you won't be disappointed.
yep...a lesson I shouldnt have to learn anymore seeing as how I've done it 1000 times in my life and a lot of times I do only buy quality but apparently i still have to learn this lesson some more o_O
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After using my Iwata brush I will never use anything else. It even blows my old Paasche VL out of the water. Plus I like a gravity feed brush much better than a syphon feed.
I knew literally NOTHING about airbrushes and took Joes advice and bought an Iwata. Have nothing to compare it too but it sure was a great piece of equipment and was very easy to use.
Yeah my next buy will be an Iwata hp-ch but I wanted something I knew was quality to compare my Vedas too and I didnt have $225 at the time to shell out on one. The bager was only about $100 and there is a world of difference between those so I'm imagining that eventually when I get the Iwata I'll end up using it for detail work and the siphon feed badger will be for bigger area stuff like spraying mask and filling in solid color areas.
Dammit now I have to go out and buy a good quality brush. Good review, thanks for the info.