Looking for advice in building a work bench

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Hey guys,

Getting ready to finish my basement and the soon to be wife said I could build an RC room\work area. Any suggestions on design as well as "must haves" that are an absolute necessity? I am looking for ideas of how to design and what "Toys" to incorporate. Thanks guys.

Well the size I have is a normal size room. Say about 10' x 10' I haven't mesured the room for exact numbers as of yet, but 10 x 10 is a decent guesstimate. Not huge, but big enough I suppose. Beggers can't be choosers. LOL

I wouldn't say I am necessarially restricted in price... however I am sure I must stay with in a resonable amount if I want to get the RFP approved by the president of the company. (stealing a line from Digger!) :)

I chose pre-made units. They are made by Gorilla Rack. I have 3 of them and it gives me plenty of table top to work with as well as storage. All total there are 6 drawers 12 foot in length of table top and storage above and below. I got the units that have a shelf on the top. You can also pick up a matching shelf unit and have a great modular setup that can be re-arranged or moved to a new place should you sell your house. You should be able to get everything listed for under $500 and well under if you hit a sale. Don't get the cheap thin ones, your a man and need the heavy duty ones.

As for goodies, I say POWER, POWER and more power. You can never have enough outlets. I just picked up 3 power bars that are 4 foot long and have 12 outlets on each one. Costco has them for $16.00. Another plug for pre-made benches, the power strips are designed to fit perfectly and have the clips to mount them.

Lighting. I mounted a light on the underside of each top shelf. A 2 bulb unit fits perfectly. Another plug for the pre-made bench. I would also recommend a 4-6 bulb unit on the ceiling of you shop. There can never be enough light. Get "Daylight" bulbs they are worth the investment.

I have a 6x8 space to use and have maximized every square inch!

Ill post a pic of the entire space when I find it.



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Groovy Eddy,

Thanks for the info. I like the idea of a pre-made unit rather than having to build a much more permanant setup. That will also work well for me because I also have to be able to put my Dillon reloading machine in there as well. Gives me a lot more versatility on where I can arrange the two. I am also looking to put a set of shelves in there for storing fuel, cars and the such. Did you get everything at Costco, or just the power bars? Thanks for the info, makes getting shop together much quicker since I don't have to build.

I was going to get some lumber this weekend and try constructing a bench too......I'm going full bachelor style and converting a room I never use to a pseudo shop.....the DINING ROOM....and I'll have a suzuki 450 parked in there in 2 weeks as well.....HAHAHAHAHA.......I have stuff strewn throughout 2 rooms and consuming my coffe table.....where can you get gorilla racks...that looks pretty slick?
I got the benches at either Home Depot or OSH.
Don't get the flimsy ones get the "Gorilla" brand.
You can get shelf unit/s of the same brand and everything will match. This will make the BOSS happy. If you get the name brand stuff it will be available later on if you decide to add to it.
cool...I can price compare the cost of wood to cost of these at the same time...I figured about 250 to make what I wanted.....are those modular units all metal frames??? do they have lil rubber feet made for having a bike engine on the table too???I have to see these things....do you have a pic of the front of your mess...I mean table.......do the drawers attach or are they in free standing module????
The best thing to do is to go see whats available.
The drawers are attached and are on BB sliders. They can be removed.
I like module because I tend to rearrange things or move them. The glory of them is that they are a standard size and there are a lot of accessories you can get.

Sears has a cool setup but they aren't sstandard size and they cost a nut and sack.
FastEddy said:
The best thing to do is to go see whats available.
The drawers are attached and are on BB sliders. They can be removed.
I like module because I tend to rearrange things or move them. The glory of them is that they are a standard size and there are a lot of accessories you can get.

Sears has a cool setup but they aren't sstandard size and they cost a nut and sack.

See... Sears would be out for me.... my fiance already has both nuts on the wall and keeps eyeing the sack more and more every day.
LMFAO you think she has you in a bind now after the wedding she will have the sack and your brown spot too. You better take some control of the reigns before its too late.
sweetdiesel said:
LMFAO you think she has you in a bind now after the wedding she will have the sack and your brown spot too. You better take some control of the reigns before its too late.

That is true... but actually we have a great relationship. Really. This weekend I am going to race while she takes the dog to the vet. As long as I don't spend every waking second playing with the RC's she has no problems. Besides she would rather have me race, than hang around the house driving her nuts. LOL

C'mon guys you have to admit though.... no matter how good your relationship is... the women have complete control.....
godale03 said:
C'mon guys you have to admit though.... no matter how good your relationship is... the women have complete control.....
No, A good woman is one that does what you tell her to do when you tell her to do it.

I better make sure I log off and clear my cookies. :D

A good woman would never let you know, or even think shes in control.
That is True Mr. Ed... but they are always... in control. :)

Now back on topic....LOL

I have found the Gorilla Racks and have looked at a couple of models, now I don't see any with lights attached. Is this something that you added, or am not looking at the right model? If I could find a local retailer I would be set. The price is right at only $100 bucks, man that is sweet.

After you set the bench up and get power setup.... what other items would you need to outfit your shop with..... since now I have only spent $200... I should be able to go a bit higher..... LOL
A table top drill press and a bench grinder are a couple garage tools that you might find handy.
Lights I got at OSH for 15.00 each. Don't get the 10.00 units they buzzzzzz... and the bulbs are daylight bulbs (Look for 4500k up to 6500k) I think they were 5-6.00 each. I just screwed then on to the bottom of the top shelf. You may want to consider a 4-6 bulb light for the ceiling as well.

Power strips are a must.

If your on a budget a drill press and grinder are cheap at harbor Freight.
Spend some cash and get a compressor.
A small mill/lathe is nice too :D......HF has em under 100 I think...
Cool I will start a list....

How about an RC Stand? Any one know which is a good one, and where might I find one? I was looking for something universal... that will work for the MT and the Buggy. Thanks guys.

My buddy's dad is a carpenter by trade, so when he built his new house, he built a dream workbench. It is a three wall (of the four garage walls) bench. The work surface on two of the walls is hinged, leading to lower compartments just below the surface. The middle half of one wall is modular, and on wheels, so it can be rolled away to do projects elsewhere. There is also adjustable height shelving at about knee level all the way around. All of his standalone saws and dril presses are the same height as the work bench, so that they can be used as extensions. The only permanently mounted tools are a bench vise and a grinder. Although he has peg board along one wall where all of his hammers and mallets are located.
I have a stand but truthfully, I don't use it as much as I thought I would. If I need to prop the truck up for something, I'll use an empty soup can or sauce can (the bigger ones, but not the #10 size). Here are some other suggestions, outside of the bench and cabinets, that I use:

1. Along the drill press idea, I found a set-up at Sears that uses your current drill. Cost about $20.00 and, in my opinion, has paid for itself in the short time I've had it.
2. I found a web site that sells small parts bags with big blocks to write on. I got two packs, one 2x2 and one 2x3 and each pack contains 1000 bags. Here's the site: http://www.buyplasticbagsdirect.com/index-baggies.html
3. I got a bunch of boxes from a local sandwich shop called Jimmy Johns that catered a lunch at the company I work for. They're about the size of a standard school box (you know, to hold pencils, erasers and the paste we all ate but won't admit it). They stack easily and allows me to keep my parts and stuff separated.
4. Instead of buying those mixing cups at the LHS, I found those little cups you can use to make Jello-shots at the grocery store and use them to mix epoxy or soak small parts in degreaser in. You can get a whole bunch for like $5.00. I also got 150 popsickle sticks for $.99 for mixing at the grocery store as well. My LHS charges something like $4.50 for 50 of them (I guess they're super special stirring sticks!)

Anyhow, just a couple ideas! Post some pic's when you get done so we can see and get some ideas to "borrow" from ya!