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Lately, I have been seeing a lot of threads that I am not liking. In fact, the staff as whole is not liking it either. We will not accept it, as there are too many threads blasting new members about rules. The first one I am seeing is jumping all over people for spamming and advertising. This is the staff's job to regulate this not the members job period. If you think someone is spamming our site or advertising for free, then please by all means, use the link that WoodiE gave you that says report this thread. This link emails all staff, so one of us will get to it.

The other thing I am seeing too much is people telling new users to use the search engine and that their post was a mistake. In some cases they are right, but please let the new user know this NICELY. A one liner saying the "search engine is your friend" or "this already has been posted" is not the NICE way to do this. Please try to answer the users question and then at the end of the post politely remind them about the useful search feature.

This site is built upon and continues to live and thrive because of NEW USERS and veteran users alike. I will not stand for this any longer. No more jr. mods... got it? Got a problem -> let the staff know... period!

We are a online community built upon sharing knowledge and information. We are a great community and a lot of us are friends in real life. Treating new users like this is not cool and is making our site look bad. Think about how the new user will read your post, before you post it. Especially when correcting ANY of their behavior. With most of our members being lurkers or non posters, do you think this will actually encourage the shy people to post when they see people being shut down so rudely? Just think if our whole member base felt confident to post? Just think of all the information that would be here. With an online forum you are bound to have the same tpoic repeated, that is just the nature of the beast. Here we keep it to a minimum and I feel we do a great job of it. We do not want our site to end up like Traxxas, where the same 5 topics are discussed over and over again. Hence the reason to moderate spamming and duplicate topic posting, but it is not like that here and I do not see it going that direction. So... give it a break people!
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Guilty here on that one. Sorry if used that One liner on any members. I get grumpy. The forum does have mods to take care of this. I will help do my part to let them know.

Blazer..put that ban stick down....and the flamethrower.

I'm guilty of that too, Sorry about that I'll let you guys do your jobs. Its easy to forget that we were at the nooby stage not too long ago.
Another guilty one here. I get short fused when the same questions "What Rc to buy" pops up 4-5 times a week, but Ill keep er under control. Sorry.
jon2 said:
Blazer..put that ban stick down....and the flamethrower.


I do not want to ban anyone (except you jon2 :) )

I am not on a rampage guys but this needed to be addressed so thank you for your help. As I already said if you see it and it is pissing you off use the report this thread function or hell even PM us, we are really good about responding.


I've done it as well and I believe I've been nice about it. Since it's being an issue, I will let the big boys handle it.
Looks like WoodiE's mean one liner "The Search is your Friend" that was in his sig can't be used anymore. I'm guilty too.
Guilty as charged, your honor. I plead nono contendre. I've only gotten on one case, but it was a team effort, so some of us are also guilty by association.
In the future, instead of saying "The search is your friend" how about giving them the link to the thread?
Helpful and polite.
Thank you your honor, am I free to go? I'll maintain house arrest for tonight.
Rolex said:
Guilty as charged, your honor. I plead nono contendre. I've only gotten on one case, but it was a team effort, so some of us are also guilty by association.
In the future, instead of saying "The search is your friend" how about giving them the link to the thread?
Helpful and polite.
Thank you your honor, am I free to go? I'll maintain house arrest for tonight.
All i can say Rolex is :cheers:

and yes i was going off in radom directions at times.Thanks for pointing that out.HB. I was on my 2 month rant.Its over now
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Mayhem said:
Looks like WoodiE's mean one liner "The Search is your Friend" that was in his sig can't be used anymore. I'm guilty too.

I hope we all can appreciate that it is different in someone's sig, and is a whole different thing to just cut a new user off at the knees with it in his first post or two....................
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One guy in particular put a hair in my ass, and I told him I was sorry, well before this thread.
I even PM'd him and told him that it wasn't his fault but mine.
Everone gets bent now and again.
But everyone needs to be reminded once in a while where the line is and not to cross it.
Thanks for the reminder HB.
I think the main point is that as well established memebers of this site, those of us who have been around for a while need to make new users feel like this is a place they can comfortably come and find info. Yes, the search engine is valuable. I use it a lot. But at the same time, when you were new here, didn't it make a hugely positive difference that there were a few members who were willing to take the time to answer your question even though it may have been answered before? This site is still growing. And I love to see new members. Sure, some ask things over and over. But soon enough they get the point and fall in line. I know I really respect everyone here and I want to see this continue to be a place where people can come to get information without having to deal with huge egoes or manufacturer bias.
These kind of threads pop up once in a while. They typically get a mixed reaction from members (new and old alike). It is good to see this one being so well received.

As mentioned a couple of times, we are all human, and we are all subject to having a bad day or getting bent out of shape. I know that I have been guilty of it on more occasions than I can count. How we behave and resolve those times is what makes this place continue to grow.

If you have any doubts or concerns about how something you might type is going to be received, try and put yourself in the newbie's shoes. How would you react to what is being told to you?

Of course, there will be times when a new hole torn in someone is an absolute necessity. All that is asked is that it is contained within the appropriate section of the site.

Beyond that, use the "Report Bad Post" link (looks like a triangle with an exclamation point centered in it...located beneath the members name in most posts) to good affect and we will do the rest.

I did a major 3 day rant on a guy last week, but that's over now. Several of us thought he deserved it and pitched in to help. It was mayhem, no mods around for the first 3 hours.
I think a birthday should be required info, then we would know what we were dealing with, for starters.
The Dork had the brain of a 3 year old, and the use of profanity of a retired pirate.
But, hey, that's over. I just ignore his posts now. He's the only one.

I apologize to the mods for my rant. Every now and then, we all have a bad day, or two, or three.
some people actually deserve it...................
Please keep in mind guys there is a difference between helping a member out and suggesting to them to use the search engine or other feature of the site compared to being just plain out butt-hole about it.

Going about it the first way does a few things for you and the site. For the site it makes things less tense which makes members not want to fly off the handle for something small. It also welcomes new members to join which ultimately makes the forum better regardless. For you yourself it gives the Staff and I an idea on who would make a good addition to the Staff when that time is needed. I can assure you members who are willing to help others and make RCNT a better place are much more likely to be a Staff member then those who are looking to bash other members...ok actually members who are just out to bash other members will never be a staff member here.

I thought I was helping you guys out, but HB is right. It's up to the RCNT Staff to handle it. So for now on I will just click report bad post tab let u guys deal with it.

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