Hobby Fever closes due to selling to much Traxxas!?

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Lexington, KY
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  1. Bashing
It seems a Local Hobby Shop who also sells sold many RC items online has closed due to selling to many Traxxas items.

Part of me things there is more to this story while the other part isn't surprised if this is truly the actions of Traxxas.

at the hobby shops near me the guys running the RC sections are saying that they (Traxxas) are no longer allowing them (the LHS) to order/get parts, the only way to get parts is direct from Traxxas online. (i find it funny that Autocorrect option for "Traxxas" is coming up as "Trash" as i type this). I used to be a huge fan of traxxas, and liked what they were doing for the consumers, but as they are continually proving they are after the money more and more, and not for the RC community, i have been staying away from them any chance i get, unless its what my LHS has already had so i can support them still at least.
... I used to be a huge fan of traxxas, and liked what they were doing for the consumers, but as they are continually proving they are after the money more and more, and not for the RC community, i have been staying away from them any chance i get, unless its what my LHS has already had so i can support them still at least.
I probably will not ever buy a Traxxass RC ever again thanks to their suing shenanigans. I haven't recommend them (Traxxas) in quite some time.

Traxxas cutting off supply to online hobby shops? Makes no sense to me. I hope they do make a person purchase one of their RCs strictly from the Traxxas website. I'm tired of seeing the brand.
Most of us wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Traxxas. I’m curious what’s really going on here. Will still be a fan regardless, but something doesn’t seem right about any of that article or with what we know at the moment about Traxxas.
I find it hard to believe they'd single out a small mom and pop shop like that, but continue to let larger online vendors like Amain, and RPP peddle all their wares. This seems fishy to me.
I find it hard to believe they'd single out a small mom and pop shop like that, but continue to let larger online vendors like Amain, and RPP peddle all their wares. This seems fishy to me.
I'm thinking they are moving to what apple does, they will only sell parts to certified apple vendors.
i don't understand wanting to stop selling through smaller local LHS locations, but all the ones near me can no longer get their parts. even after calling Traxxas reps, they just said no.
side note: Are they still getting "new" parts, or are the parts they are selling backstock from amain/rcp?
I'm thinking they are moving to what apple does, they will only sell parts to certified apple vendors.
i don't understand wanting to stop selling through smaller local LHS locations, but all the ones near me can no longer get their parts. even after calling Traxxas reps, they just said no.
side note: Are they still getting "new" parts, or are the parts they are selling backstock from amain/rcp?

If that's truly the route they're taking, then I'll never buy another Traxxas rig. Apple's business model is based on end user experience, which can't be controlled in RC to anywhere near the extent it can in the mobile, PC market. So I don't really understand why Traxxas would emulate that if that's what's going on. I have no idea if it's just current inventory then it's gone or not.
If that's truly the route they're taking, then I'll never buy another Traxxas rig. Apple's business model is based on end user experience, which can't be controlled in RC to anywhere near the extent it can in the mobile, PC market. So I don't really understand why Traxxas would emulate that if that's what's going on. I have no idea if it's just current inventory then it's gone or not.
forces people to go to Traxxas direct at the price they have listed, they will not have to give lower prices to vendors for them to make mark up on it to sell at the stated price, so in that way it works to capitalize on profits which i will give them that.
also speculation it makes people have to deal with traxxas direct to figure out the correct part and attempt to have fewer returns.
another item that is making it worse in my eyes is the charger/battery link they are using.
i really hope they change as Traxxas was one of my first RC's and go to, but as it seems they won't until its too late.
On on of the FB threads on this shop closing, several people have said the shop was selling below MAP, and that got them in trouble. Still sounds like not the whole story, though. (lots of shops sell below MAP)
This is basically the equivalent of GM going to a GM dealer and telling them they are no longer going to supply them with cars or parts because they sell too many cars online.................
This is basically the equivalent of GM going to a GM dealer and telling them they are no longer going to supply them with cars or parts because they sell too many cars online.................
i think more or less, that the shop was too dependent on traxxas parts, so when they cut them off the business went under.
though it could be how you are describing, and Traxxas doesn't want to have to compete with itself through other businesses. which goes pack to point 1.
On on of the FB threads on this shop closing, several people have said the shop was selling below MAP, and that got them in trouble. Still sounds like not the whole story, though. (lots of shops sell below MAP)
doesn't make sense to me anyways, unless its to try to make Traxxas direct more competitive.
Whether the shop sells for full price or lower Traxxas is still making the same price on the parts sold to the store, but gets a higher frequency of sales as more people would shop there. making more money for them anyway. though unless its direct Traxxas trying to be more competitive pricing by controlling the prices at hobby shops, and keeping their direct prices the same or more favorable.
Piss on Traxxas
What HE said.

Most of us who got into the RC monster truck craze that started almost 20 years ago, started with a Traxxas. Now would be a good time for Traxxas to go out of business. They had a good long run and now they are all about greed and every dollar.
What HE said.

Most of us who got into the RC monster truck craze that started almost 20 years ago, started with a Traxxas. Now would be a good time for Traxxas to go out of business. They had a good long run and now they are all about greed and every dollar.
i do agree mine started with a T-maxx lol, i wish it didn't come to them going out of business to make it right, but the fact that they are now making it worse off for us as their consumers and (at one time or another) fans, as hobbyists, i am hoping they do.
between the lawsuits regarding hobbico with Arrma, HPI, etc, and their direction, a large part of the hobby is competing brands evolving to make a better, faster, stronger RC, and the fact that they are resorting to what i consider, low blows on the competition in order to maintain that superiority, by not allowing the competition to evolve and experiment and engineer better vehicles.
for that reason i think they should go out of business, or at least change back to what the spirit of the hobby is about.
i do understand the need to make money and am not saying they need to do it for free, but when you capitalize into a monopoly, it has never been done fairly and to the consumers needs.
sorry kind of a ramble.
Like lots of RC hobbyists I started out with Traxxas as well. It does seem like they have become what the F-150 is when people think of pick up trucks in general. A couple of hobby shops in my area sell Traxxas but don’t push it on customers. They will sell you Traxxas if you ask for the line but try to sell people on other lines first. It definitely looks like the “T” company is getting too big for their britches.
Competition is what makes EVERYBODY better. I guess they don't want to make a better product, they'd just want to eliminate any other competitors. Providing parts to other distributors means they don't make as much of a profit. I'm done with them and will never recommend them again.
Maybe they'll become the Amazon of the hobby industry.
So now I know why my local hobby shop closed their doors permanently, good luck Traxxas..
I always try to buy from one of my LHS's before moving further afield in the event none of them are stocking the stuff I need. I get Traxxas might be implementing a different business model and I guess we have a choice in that we can engage with that model or do business elsewhere. Power is with consumer.

I will say something that could be a little controversial, I think more and more manufacturers/vendors will build their online presence and be more competitive in that space. Margins are being squeezed and it is harder and harder to support the middle man for the amounts the consumer is prepared/able to pay. Additionally much of the value of the LHS is being eroded by online communities. If I want information about RC I will go online first and this is where I get a lot of my information for instance. This starts to effectively reduce the value that LHS's have traditionally brought to the table.

We can point the finger at Traxxas but the LHS's also need to rethink their business model and value proposition in light of a changing world (this isn't happening to RC only). If the info above is correct and their website does say they were staying open only really to sell Traxxas online, then they too have been in it only for the money as well something we are criticising Traxxas for being.

I do own 1 Traxxas but to be honest I won't buy another in the forceable future, I will buy more Arrma simply because I think they are a superior product for the price, not because I don't like the Traxxas business model