eBay...dont do it!

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  1. Bashing
So my wife sold one of her purses on eBay. As you can see if the first picture my wife has 100% positive feedback and if you notice, the last feedback left on her account was also positive. This is the feedback left by the person who bought her purse. You'll notice it says, and I quote, that the purse is "very nice and bigger than she had thought..."

3 weeks later we get up today and notice that if you look at the time stamps on each of the following 3 pics that she opened up a claim to return the bag IN SPITE of the fact that we don't allow returns in our auctions. This was done yesterday March 30th at 11:30PM. You'll notice in picture 2 that it says that my wife and I have until April 2 to respond to this return request. Now heres the really messed up part, although certainly not the only point....If you look at picture 3, you'll notice that somehow this buyer managed to escalate the case a mere 11 hours later at approx. 10AM the very next day. WTF?! What happened to we (the seller) have until April 2 to respond??? Wanna know something ever more screwed up then that? The Case was then closed a mere 6 MINUTES later siding with the buyer! WOW REALLY?! So in the span of 11 hours while my wife and I were sleeping someone was able to request a return on an item THAT IS LISTED NON-RETURNABLE, THEN ESCALATE THE CASE,AND THEN HAVE IT CLOSED IN HER FAVOR...ALL WHILE WE WERE ASLEEP!!! How does that even happen?

Think thats all there is to the story? nope, it gets better...If you look at the 4th pic it says the buyers reason for wanting to return the purse, and I quote from picture 5 "I didnt get to open my items until recently. i thought it was burgundy but its plum. Also its worn worse than I thought..." So you haven't opened it for 3 weeks? REALLY? Its not the right color? REALLY? Its worn more than you thought? REALLY? Then why 2 weeks prior to opening up a return case did she leave feedback saying that the bag was and I quote "very nice, and bigger than I thought." Shes obviously lying through her teeth but did eBay take that into account even after I pointed it out? NOPE. (I would just like to point out a side note here as well, the buyer never sent any messages to us asking for clarification of the color of the bag nor did she ever ask any questions trying to discern how much wear (if any) was on the bag. There was very very minimal wear on the bag btw. My wife didn't even own it but a yer and a half and out of that year and a half she used it maybe 20 times. Id say given the number of purses my wife owns that is actually an over estimation but whatever....I'm getting off topic. Oh one last thing...She didnt even ask us for a return before opening a case against us. Anyone that has ever sold on eBay knows how badly that sort of thing hurts your seller rating.)

They are forcing me after pointing all of this BS out give the buyer a refund AND PAY FOR THE RETURN SHIPPING! So out of the $10 I collected from this $75 purse I had to pay $7 to ship the item to her, pocketing a grand total of $3 for this sale. NOW, I have to pay her $7 to ship it back to me AND give her, her $10 back. So Even though 1) I don't offer refunds in my auctions, 2) She is obviously lying about the reasons she wants to return it, 3) Ebay for some reason or another escalated on open ticket less than 11 hours after it was opened while my wife and I were asleep, and 4) I'm being charged for her return shipping costs EVEN THOUGH eBay says that its obviously a case of buyers remorse I'm gonna loose the $7 i paid to ship it, the $10 that I made off of the item, AND an additional $7 for her to ship it back to me. (btw...I thought the only time the seller was responsible for paying return shipping of an item was when it was defective or not as described...but apparently I have to pay the return shipping on this one just because she decided she doesn't want the purse anymore).

So I guess I loose $27 on a $10 sale because eBay wont own up to it mistakes. Needless to say I took down all the rest of the items my wife and I had for sale on eBay some of which would have sold for $700 bucks. So I hope all the money they cost me on this one was worth all the money their gonna loose because we've taken down over $1400 worth of sale items.

Please spread this around the internet so everyone will know what crooks eBay are. They're fine if you want to buy off of them because they will side with you every time as a buyer and sometimes within 11 hours before the seller can even respond. Please join me in spreading the word about eBay...Feel free to blast this on every form of social media, forums, and blogs that you can think of! eBay sellers should have right too and eBay needs to learn how to bypass there stupid procedures when they are responsible for making a mistake that costs someone money.

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Yep eBay will screw a seller into submission!
I really hate to hear that GW. I've been buying on ebay for about 10 years now, and I'm honest, and have ate a few deals where I just didn't read the fine print well enough until after the fact, still on me, no big deal. BUT, I've been tempted the past couple years to clear stuff out by putting it on the bay, but horror stories like yours have kept me from doing so, luckily I might add. For the RC stuff, I've been passing that along to the guys at work cheap. Happy to say I now have 3 other addic, er, I mean hobbyists to go run / fly with. One of 'em called me the pusher the other day. :D
I stopped selling on Evilbay years ago, there is no protection for sellers anymore, and you are not even allowed to leave a neg for a buyer, no matter what crap they pull. That along with the ridiculous fees has rendered ebay useless for me as a selling tool anymore. Sorry to hear you got screwed, it really sucks!
I think you need to check and see eBay's policies and see if THEY are in violation. You should get more than 11 hours, especially sine they originally gave you until the 2nd of April. If eBay is in violation, stick it to them!
If eBay is in violation who do you report them to....themselves?
Now that just sucks, and that's the #1 reason I refuse to be bothered with selling on sleaziebay.
I buy lots off ebay, but won't get sucked into trying the sell there.
If eBay is in violation who do you report them to....themselves?

What needs to happen is for someone with deep enough pockets to get it started to: 1. gather a list of others that have had these same rediculous problems and 2: find a good lawyer to file a class action lawsuit against eBay.

eBay has gotten too big for it's britches!

@Greywolf74 - If you have not already done so,you need to personally call eBay and talk to the case resolution department to argue your case. May help,may not but it feels better being able to yell at a real person. LOL
after spending 2 hours or so on the phone with ebay they still made us go through the return process but then theyre supposed to reimburse us. I kept arguing with them that since they only gave us 11 hours they should be responsible to pay the buyer. and leave us out of it but they wouldnt do that. I've sold a lot of stuff on ebay and never had BS like this happen.
after spending 2 hours or so on the phone with ebay they still made us go through the return process but then theyre supposed to reimburse us. I kept arguing with them that since they only gave us 11 hours they should be responsible to pay the buyer. and leave us out of it but they wouldnt do that. I've sold a lot of stuff on ebay and never had BS like this happen.
It'll get sorted out...hopefully...
Wow what a crock of it man!