Gas prices

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I filled my Toyota Camry with 18 gallons of fuel on friday. After paying 75 bucks to fill up I had requested some Vaseline but they said they're all out because they're not done F@#*&%G everyone. I guess the bright side is that this tankful should last me 3 weeks on average. I work close to home and go to a second job two times a week that's it. On CNN a station in Orlando is charing 5.69 a gallon for gas. That's just wrong. Anyone agree?
Gas prices are a rip off. It's not based on supply and demand anymore,it's up to the stock traders "'speculation" which is totally wrong.
If dumba** Obama would lift the moratorium on drilling, prices would drop. That's what Bush did, and it dropped over $2.00 per gallon. There's NO reason for high gas prices right now, as there is NO threat to US oil imports. Libya supplies MAYBE 1% of our oil.

We can't drill for oil, but:
We gave Brazil 2 Billion ($2,000,000,000), yea BILLION, to explore for oil off their shores, China is drilling off Cuba's shores, but while we have enough oil under the United States to last us an estimated 150 years, we are buying it from our enemies. Why do I say "enemies"? Because once we stop buying from the Saudis, they will no longer be allies. As goes for anybody else we are buying oil from.

For the record, my car is tuned for premium, and I paid $4.19 per gallon today.
Gas prices are a rip off. It's not based on supply and demand anymore,it's up to the stock traders "'speculation" which is totally wrong.

I think you are wrong, its all about supply and demand they have the supply so they can demand what they want for it.
I think you are wrong, its all about supply and demand they have the supply so they can demand what they want for it.

Hunter - you couldn't be more wrong. if you watch any real news outlet, not the liberal left side media and they will tell you its the speculators that are driving the price up. they are all betting the price will continue to rise and manipulate the market to that fact. While supply and demand do play a fact in baseline prices, the spectulators are the ones that are driving the cost of oil into the area we are seeing today.

and @ Alien13 - you are soo RIGHT! The asshat we have as president needs to stop catering to the "green movement". we have enough resources under our own soil he just needs to life the drilling ban.
I completely agree with Randy and Gabe. Supply and demand doesn't create 10% spikes overnight. That's total BS.

I think Hunter was just making a funny guys.
I think you are wrong, its all about supply and demand they have the supply so they can demand what they want for it.

There's nothing changing in the supply OR the demand.
It's NOT supply and demand.
Oil went down $3 a barrel last week, and the gas prices went up another 2 cents before the week was over.


If I knew the high prices were helping to fix the national debt I wouldn't care about 4.20 a gallon, but who am I kidding, we are slaves to the debt!
If they go higher with the ethanol % are prices gonna drop? I can't afford the extra 7 bucks per tank to add stabil ethanol treatment to my Z.

I really don't know much about all this stuff, but it sucks going broke over some freakin gas! Pretty soon the price will be TOO high and tourism will suffer, what's president Osama Bin Biden gonna do then?
The military anagram for being messed with repeatedly is BOHICA.
That's pronounced Boe-Hee'-Kuh.

If you're not familiar with it, the meaning is:

Bend Over Here It Comes Again

Study the word, embrace the word, use it in a sentence. Shout it out loud every time there's another 1 cent increase in gas.

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Isn't it funny how the gas prices drop a bit after a holiday weekend? On my way from visiting my mom and step-dad, I noticed that gas prices had dropped between 2 and 3 cents. Hmmmmm.
Its nice to see sarcasm is not a lost art form to everyone Lessen. To the rest of you who only took the time to read as far as "I think you are wrong, its all about supply and demand" read the end it's a knock off line fom a line in a movie called Tank Girl but in the movie it was a company called water and power. And she says "they have all the water so they have all the power".

But just for fun go on tell me how wrong I am in what i said, the truth is they set the price they want us to pay because they have all the gas. And by they i mean the large companys. As for listening to the news i stopped doing that a long time ago but if you would like to talk about that start a new thread and we can gripe about them to, and that goes for Obama as well.
Of course you can hear it. His lips move don't they?
Somehow, being forced to go from this

To this

Just friggen irritates me...

120 miles a day @ 24 mpg = $20 a day just to drive to/from work. Sure, I could move closer, but I need that hour commute to keep my marriage alive! If I got home any quicker, one of us would be dead due to work fueled rage!

I wonder how many miles you can get out of a prius before it dies... 170K on my 1998 grand marquis (my old car) that my wife drives and it's still rolling strong.

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