Question, maybe borderline rant.

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Fort Worth
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Is it just me or are the weather conditions really getting out of hand?

It seems to me that over the past three years things have been getting increasingly worse and worse, not only for us here in the States and outlying areas, but all over the world.

I was involved in the Hurricane that hit New Orleans, then I lived in Houston when it hit Galveston and the area. Tonight, where I currently live in Fort Worth, Texas we are under a severe tornado warning for most of North Texas. I understand that Fort Worth has always had a bit of trouble with tornadoes and such... But it SNOWED last weekend?!!? Seriously. It snowed, Easter Sunday in Keller Texas.

Is it just me or is that just...well... odd? It just seems to me that this situation has made an extremely drastic turn in a very short period of time. I have never been a big green peace activist. Never planted a tree and never closely followed the "'Global Warming" issue, but I have always heard second hand talk that all these small effects humans are playing on the earth were going to take hundreds if not thousands of years to manifest themselves as adverse effects on our ecosystem... Seems that time frame has shrunk a bit.

Anyone got any idea if I am just crazy, or does anyone else see this change too?


Bit of an update.

Seems everyone in my area was too short sided or simply had too much crap in the garage to properly store their vehicles. Within 5 minutes of my initial post it came down hard. Baseball sized hail has been falling for the last 30 minutes and from what I can see is pounding all these cars pretty hard. We have had three known tornadoes touch down, all for less than a minute a piece- very little damage from what the local station says. One of the tornadoes touched down in the middle of the major highway intersection near my house, Highway 820 and 35. That is less than three miles from my house, and like an idiot I am sitting here on my comp lol.

I guess I am in the safest part of my house, the master bedroom. I really don't think anything untoward will happen, and the current radar is showing my area is clearing up quite nicely. Anyone else from RCNT in this area?
not last wed. but the wed. before it was 81 degrees here.. That following Fri. it snowed and was 21 degrees. Since then we had 6 inches of snow. Today it was 65 degrees and all the snow melted.. Definatly some weird stuff but not to uncommon for Mn. anyway. In 2003 we had 16 inches in april..
Last year April 10 all the snow had melted. This year we've had a total of about 23 inches in april alone. I'm so sick and tired of this white poop you don't even know. And they are announcing some more snow monday/tuesday. UGGGG!
She sucks.

First race day of the season will most likely be rained out tomorrow. The really suck part is that it's the only day it's supposed to rain.
Careful...there 4u2nv, Imus just got fired for such references....I would hate to see the wrath of Mother Nature fall upon worse than it already has.


I agree we are in the midst of a change....and it will not be pretty..

Baton down the hatches men....
See, there's one issue here that the Global Warming Nuts fail to mention. The Earth itself wobbles on its' axis.

This article nutshells it, but it'll give you the general idea. The axis changes ever-so-slightly, causing climate changes. It's slight, but it's enough to affect climate.

Course, it happens over such an elongated period that it won't happen "over night".

If you don't want to believe those facts, you can always do what the weathermen do: "blame it on El Nino".
I don't believe in fairy tales.
Going ugly early! Andy calling out Mother Fu...errr..Nature Someone making story book refs. This one has potential!
Al Gore would say: "Oh poop, everybody knows what I'm gonna say"
President Bush would say: "Naww, we need to fund our troops, that's all, because you guy's don't support my personal cause in this!" (missed the question)
Educational facilities think the earth is tumbeling (forces of precession will soon make it turn faster too, destroy the general 17.1 degree axis and throw us into open space, awaaaay from the sun, we will not see this happen, because the sky will be cloudy and gravity will be gone....)

People who read the bible daily will scream: The end is near!!!
Our arabic counterparts will mumble something no one can understand... [oil, terror, bomb, boom, achmachal, cough]

In my opinion, Mother Earth is doing what she needs to do, to get the human off it. In a meeting of planets the human would be diagnosed as SKINCANCER. This way or the other, the human will not sustain. No reason to cry, it will come to a sudden stop, long after us...

Now please!!! Do not worry!
Jack Bauer is on it..., in the meantime the U.S. can maintain to have business as usual and ignore the fact that there is almost no bigger pig on this planet.
All in the name of CONVENIENCE. People with second and third degree sunburn, and others with frostbite will maintain their way of life...

Some flying people have the slight opinion that our weather cells (3 of them in the northern hemisphere) are moving, a general gain in heat in our oceans will change adiabatic patterns, creating moisture where there was little before and dryness where there should not be any. We are in for a treat.

But they are all idiots... including myself.
And who cares anyways.

Jon Doe can have his beer & televison chips & housebitch
His sister too... dude!
The President can have his wars
His Father... too
Clinton's can stick cigars into every hole they find on each other and smile wildly.
Nancy Polosi will be caught having intercourse with a horse in the white house... the horse will be shot!
Cheyney will aim, miss and eventually take people out of their misery..
American Idol will continue to make rich people from trailertrash.
Al Gore will shut up.
Nitro Engines will be prohibited and it's operators considered "timebombs..." (who can say if Jetmech or myself will not one day freak out and put a elementary school flat with a heavily loaded RC-Truck and 5 pounds of TNT?)
I'm all Advil mums will make babies which we then can diagnose with mental retardation, ADD,ADHD,CRS-Syndrome and all the other poop.
Teachers will become serial killers, but the Advil mums will sue and make another baby.

All sunny today!
We'll hit the 50's and if we are lucky it will not snow in July or August!
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It's snowing here, right now. But, this is Ohio....

The hurricanes are due to start getting worse. About fifty years ago, we slipped into a period of less powerfull hurricanes. They run on a roughly 50 year cycle. They've known the stronger hurricanes were coming back, for decades.

As for global warming. I'm still convinced its a natural cycle. The sun has been in a long cycle of increased sunspot acitivty for several decades. It's due to lapse into lower sun spot activity, I believe, within the next decade. This happens all the time. The dark ages really were cool and dark(ish), because of it. Temperatures started warming up again, and there were even vinyards in England at one time.

Up untill about 150 to 200 years ago (I'm terrible with numbers, so some of this may be a little off) we were in a "mini ice age" caused decreased sunspots, and increased volcanic activity.
Al Gore would say: "Oh poop, everybody knows what I'm gonna say"
President Bush would say: "Naww, we need to fund our troops, that's all, because you guy's don't support my personal cause in this!" (missed the question)
Educational facilities think the earth is tumbeling (forces of precession will soon make it turn faster too, destroy the general 17.1 degree axis and throw us into open space, awaaaay from the sun, we will not see this happen, because the sky will be cloudy and gravity will be gone....)

People who read the bible daily will scream: The end is near!!!
Our arabic counterparts will mumble something no one can understand... [oil, terror, bomb, boom, achmachal, cough]

In my opinion, Mother Earth is doing what she needs to do, to get the human off it. In a meeting of planets the human would be diagnosed as SKINCANCER. This way or the other, the human will not sustain. No reason to cry, it will come to a sudden stop, long after us...

Now please!!! Do not worry!
Jack Bauer is on it..., in the meantime the U.S. can maintain to have business as usual and ignore the fact that there is almost no bigger pig on this planet.
All in the name of CONVENIENCE. People with second and third degree sunburn, and others with frostbite will maintain their way of life...

Some flying people have the slight opinion that our weather cells (3 of them in the northern hemisphere) are moving, a general gain in heat in our oceans will change adiabatic patterns, creating moisture where there was little before and dryness where there should not be any. We are in for a treat.

But they are all idiots... including myself.
And who cares anyways.

Jon Doe can have his beer & televison chips & housebitch
His sister too... dude!
The President can have his wars
His Father... too
Clinton's can stick cigars into every hole they find on each other and smile wildly.
Nancy Polosi will be caught having intercourse with a horse in the white house... the horse will be shot!
Cheyney will aim, miss and eventually take people out of their misery..
American Idol will continue to make rich people from trailertrash.
Al Gore will shut up.
Nitro Engines will be prohibited and it's operators considered "timebombs..." (who can say if Jetmech or myself will not one day freak out and put a elementary school flat with a heavily loaded RC-Truck and 5 pounds of TNT?)
I'm all Advil mums will make babies which we then can diagnose with mental retardation, ADD,ADHD,CRS-Syndrome and all the other poop.
Teachers will become serial killers, but the Advil mums will sue and make another baby.

All sunny today!
We'll hit the 50's and if we are lucky it will not snow in July or August!

Where in the name of HOLY HELL did that one come from??

Hands down, the absolute best rant I have ever had the pleasure of being struck almost blind with.

someone forgot their happy pills, eh?
Al Gore would say: "Oh poop, everybody knows what I'm gonna say"
President Bush would say: "Naww, we need to fund our troops, that's all, because you guy's don't support my personal cause in this!" (missed the question)
Educational facilities think the earth is tumbeling (forces of precession will soon make it turn faster too, destroy the general 17.1 degree axis and throw us into open space, awaaaay from the sun, we will not see this happen, because the sky will be cloudy and gravity will be gone....)

People who read the bible daily will scream: The end is near!!!
Our arabic counterparts will mumble something no one can understand... [oil, terror, bomb, boom, achmachal, cough]

In my opinion, Mother Earth is doing what she needs to do, to get the human off it. In a meeting of planets the human would be diagnosed as SKINCANCER. This way or the other, the human will not sustain. No reason to cry, it will come to a sudden stop, long after us...

Now please!!! Do not worry!
Jack Bauer is on it..., in the meantime the U.S. can maintain to have business as usual and ignore the fact that there is almost no bigger pig on this planet.
All in the name of CONVENIENCE. People with second and third degree sunburn, and others with frostbite will maintain their way of life...

Some flying people have the slight opinion that our weather cells (3 of them in the northern hemisphere) are moving, a general gain in heat in our oceans will change adiabatic patterns, creating moisture where there was little before and dryness where there should not be any. We are in for a treat.

But they are all idiots... including myself.
And who cares anyways.

Jon Doe can have his beer & televison chips & housebitch
His sister too... dude!
The President can have his wars
His Father... too
Clinton's can stick cigars into every hole they find on each other and smile wildly.
Nancy Polosi will be caught having intercourse with a horse in the white house... the horse will be shot!
Cheyney will aim, miss and eventually take people out of their misery..
American Idol will continue to make rich people from trailertrash.
Al Gore will shut up.
Nitro Engines will be prohibited and it's operators considered "timebombs..." (who can say if Jetmech or myself will not one day freak out and put a elementary school flat with a heavily loaded RC-Truck and 5 pounds of TNT?)
I'm all Advil mums will make babies which we then can diagnose with mental retardation, ADD,ADHD,CRS-Syndrome and all the other poop.
Teachers will become serial killers, but the Advil mums will sue and make another baby.

All sunny today!
We'll hit the 50's and if we are lucky it will not snow in July or August!


You may want to lay off the meds a little. :green-grin:
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Well here in NY they are calling for the worst storm in 15 years, a Noreaster that is supposed to pound the crap out of us tomorrow, high winds and very heavy rains, at least it's not cold enough for a blizzard. So today I stocked up on Tripple Blacks, and will settle in tomorrow for a nice day of watching the Nascar race and getting a buzz on. :D
Where in the name of HOLY HELL did that one come from??
Hands down, the absolute best rant I have ever had the pleasure of being struck almost blind with.

someone forgot their happy pills, eh?

This was the soft version of what I am thinking so many times...
It was NOT a rant at all! And there is NO HOLY HELL! Darn!
...could not take the meds for days because we had f&@#%)# SNOW!
I am sure some people understand my sense of humor...
Just look around yourself, if my comment about Mrs. Mc I'm all Advil and her kids wasn't at least somewhat true...

Well here in NY they are calling for the worst storm in 15 years, a Noreaster that is supposed to pound the crap out of us tomorrow, high winds and very heavy rains, at least it's not cold enough for a blizzard. So today I stocked up on Tripple Blacks, and will settle in tomorrow for a nice day of watching the Nascar race and getting a buzz on. :D

My kinda guy!!!

Go Nitro:wasted:
Well, it has begun. There was more than an inch of snow on the ground when I woke up this morning. And the storm isn't even here yet! I hope NC is comfortable, because that badboy is supposed to drop right on top of you. And it does suck because I'm just itching to get outside. My cars are dusty. My planes are dusty. My new grill is begging to be fired up. And all I can do is just stare out the window.
Raining like hell here, wind gusts near 50, and a case of ice cold tripple blacks just waiting for the race to start :green-grin:

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