How to get screwed in a race

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every town has its bad parts, the US doesn't have the monopoly on them... you should see london, that entire city is a bad part :p
I've been to london, and I still stay by my statement.

:OT: now, let's get back on track, and if anyone wants to continue this conversation, general chaos is the place to do it.
Thats sad that this guy is teaching his son that winning is everything no matter what it takes and to go as low as cheating that is just f,d up. It sounds like you are a good driver if you still got second place with all of this against you. I would just try to woop him on the track by blowing his freaking doors off. Messing with his stuff or hacking him on the track is just going to lower you down to his a hole level. I would let other drivers know what happend and most likely if they see this happen more people will complain to the officials and then something will be don about this puke who is bringing up his son to be like him so very sad :(
I had a problem similar to this, rather, my son did. He was on a Little League team. Seems the coach's, who, in my opinion, really didn'twant to play baseball, but, humored his dad. Now, being Little League, there's always more players than postions, so, at some point of the game the coach will have to make substitutions in order for all to play. Well, this coach would always leave his son in, no matter how badly he played and took the good players out, yet this coach couldn't understand why they were losing, considering the caliber of players that were on the team, my son included in that. He would put him in left field and more than once made, what a lot of people thought, spectacular diving catches, so, the coach took my son out of that position and put his son there. Then he put my son as 2nd base and made a few plays. Because this coach's son wasn't seeing any action out in left field, he decided to make him a pitcher and he took my son off 2nd and made him a catcher. My son filled that slot better than I would have and I'm proud of that along with the other plays. The coach, in the following inning, took my son out of the game, along with other key players and made his son the catcher. Because this boy really didn't want to play, he didn't have his heart in it, so, more balls got by him than didn't, but, Dad coach left him in at that position. Needless to say, the rest of the team was getting PO'd.

About that time, my son, 11 at the time, asked me whether he should quit or not. I told him to look at the situation and see what shouldn't be happening and confront the coach. The coach told him, "Go sit down." He did, but, not on the bench, but, in the bleachers with the other spectators!! Another player also confronted the coach and was told the same thing. He went and sat next to my son in the bleachers. Come time for my son's team to take the field, the coach told my son that he's in right field. My son, looked at me, looked at the coach and said, "I QUIT!!" The other boy told the coach the same thing. Even tho, I knew my son had made the right decision, after a couple of days had passed, hoping to hear from the coach, he didn't, and was a little PO'd at me for not making the decision for him. That following Saturday, the coach came by and told my son that there would be no game today. They had to forfeit due to the other players not showing up. I could see my son sigh a sigh of relief. After the coach had left, my son smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Dad." My son learned 2 things that day, 1. that, in place of straw, he has a brain (LOL) and 2. faith in the decision that he made.

As much as I wanted to rip this coach's head off for "playing/coaching" this way, it wasn't my problem. It was my son's problem. I just provided the information that he needed to make an intelligent decision. This coach was supposed to be here for these kids, all of these kids, not just his. After all, he took the position of authority, coach, and he abused it, much like this track prez is doing.

This is just one way to handle a "bias" situation. Another would be to get a petition going and get it signed by other racers and present it to the president of the track. If the president isn't bias as well, he'll honor this petition, if not, then everyone, at the next race, line up to race and just before the race, pick up their cars/trucks and go back to the pits. Most all of the drivers should do this, IF, they want positive results. It works!!

Some of these adults get a little too involved with their kids activities to the point, as mentioned previously, "winning is everything" attitude, even if that means cheating. The sad thing is, this kid will "pay" for this for the rest of his/her life, cuz that's what he was taught.

ps This dad doesn't coach anymore.
there is no going backwards on our tracks, we have gotten a little strict lately. if you go backwards you can get fined a lap, if you are not in your cm spot you will get docked a lap. the same for hack driving. but you can't stop it all, and there is always someone to spoil a good race day.
Alle Racer nicht auf dem Gestell des Fahrers werden in 5 Minuten Schuss sein
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Plaidfish said:
Alle Racer nicht auf dem Gestell des Fahrers werden in 5 Minuten Schuss sein

you got your what stuck in his where?
well at the next race i aint going to say nuttin to no one and see if he thinks he got away with it but i talk to the pres today and he said if it happens again he will be banned from the track and he will lose all of his points but i think he shoul lose all of his points for that day and give me my 1st place trophy back that would have been my 3rd race in a row taking 1st place and he mucked it all up dang him and his kid. but i do have a suprise for him in monster mod class i just got done with a extended mach 26 big block kit and a all alum from bumper with his name on it I'm not saying i am going out to hack his truck its just there incase his son stepps infront of me when he shouldnt be there that way he can see his dads name on his leg and relize its his dads fault that he got hit but like i said if i can t will right then i wont race at all but neither will he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some racers are real sore losers. i was in the b main leading the race by a half a lap came out of a section getting ready to turn on the straight, hit a rut and it put me over the pipe a foot before i was going to turn, no one around me no positions gained or anything and i heard the 2nd place guy yelling "he jumped the pipe, he jumped the pipe" come on man i am beating this guy bad, but no prob. i had to come in for a stop and go pinalty and still caught up with him and pass him on the last lap. but your case would have me furious.
the proper thing to do when you accidentally jump a pipe, is wait an appropriate amount of time that it would have taken you to reach that position by the normal line. this way he can't bitch because you waited, and its the sportsmanlike thing to do. same as if you accidentally hack someone, you wait until they are back on track and let them in front of you, then try the pass again only cleaner.
I'm planning on doing some racing soon with my Rc10 at the lhs, I hope that everyone that races there, is there to have fun and have a good time. It would be a shame to take my boys and have them see conduct like what going on with supermaxx.
well that is what i did actually, i slowed down and waited abit then a lap later that is when they told me to come in, so i actually slowed down twice. it is all good.
ppl suck this is one the crappy thing about racing i can't stand. this is a hobby. enjoy it. if u hack some1 accidently let em pass. dont hold anybodys car if they flip. win or lose the real point of being out there is to have fun.
Yeah, and if you marshall, marshall fairly. I had one guy turn my Maxx around the wrong way on purpose (so it say with the front against a pipe). I was so mad about it, I went over to the track maintenence table, grabbed the paint that they used to mark the lines with, and sprayed an arrow on the bottom of the truck (this after the president claims that it's hard to tell what way an upside-down t-maxx is facing).

Needless to say, I took extra caution around that marshall the rest of the day.
well ithink if you have to worry all of the time about if your going to get screwed i think maybe i should find somewhere wlse to race at but i just found out that in 4 out of 5 different classes i place first in 8yh by 145points and 1st in nitro stadium by 125points and stock monster 1st by 75points and unlimited monster 2nd by 5 points thanx to a penelty due to a bad bad turn and a truck going to fast (oooppppssss) my bad well like i said if i have trouble this coming race i think i will blow a gasket but if not then i will be cooooool but i fell sorry for the next person that is in my way thats not suppose to be there i have a solid alum bumper that will change there mond really fast about the next race
body reamer + antenna wire = short range
I think the robot wars approach to racing would be interesting.....make an axe that just crushes him from the side line...of course it would have to be "controlled" by your hand during his next race....but hey it's still good.....clean kill....
or a lightweight circular saw on each side.
der Plaidfish, sprachs du veil deutsch?

edit: oder, sprachen sie veile deutsch? Heir sprachen wir englisch.
Ich spreche armen Deutcshe. ..I schreibt ein kleines besser

veile.....vas is das?

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