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I don't know what happened here, but I'm having a bit of a problem getting my Task Mgr to display the way it used to.
I no longer have any menu bar on top and don't even have the boxes to minimize or close. Here's what I have:


GOP3 is an online poker game that freezes on the opening screen and won't connect. That's what's highlighted, but that's not what has created this issue with Task Manager.
I use "Process Explorer" instead. Kind of annoying sometimes to get it to start with windows, but gives you a lot of info in a more old school format. Also lets you put little tray icons and change the colors of the graphs and whatnot. Been using this since XP days. Has worked fine in XP, W7, W8, W8.1 and W10.

sysinternals process explorer

Does this online poker thing always start on startup, or only whilst it is running?
I had to run Roxio "Back on Track" about 2 weeks, realizing that it probably came from a bootlegged Sims game someone gave me. That's what it was.
Once the game was gone, the virus went with it. As far as the problems with the poker game, I also had issues with two other on line games I got through Steam.
I've been using Comodo Ice Dragon as my browser and I remembered that the game kept trying to install in Comodo and wouldn't start. I uninstalled it Comodo, reinstalled it, then a day later I had to remove it's Cloud Anti Virus program. Seems odd, but without installing it, I couldn't clear the problem. I had to install it and then remove it and its update program through Revo Uninstaller Pro. That did it and everything works as normal, now.
Wow! That's some srama,for,you, huh?!?!? Glad you got it sorted in the end tho! Now just a few coats of wax and things will be back to 100% efficiency!!! :thumbs-up:
It took a while to figure this one out since the cloud AV interfered even without allowing the installation.
Hmmm, where did I put my wax?
The wax is in those 55-gallon drums that I thoughtfully stacked 2-high and 3-deep on the Bling Thing's glass case. You're welcome.
The waxed shower walls, a good coating of soap and a running start...

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