What is a good model / brand of 3D printer

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Hey there forgive me for my ignorance if this has been asked before but I did do my due diligence, and didn't really find anything about 3D printers using the search feature. I am thinking about getting a FDM model, not Resin and in the 300-500 CAD bracket. More into tinkering and not a full time printing something all the time person, but there could be that chance eventually.. Anyways I was hoping for some feedback from you all that have or use 3D printers now. I would use it for RC parts obviously but I plan on using it for other things around the house. Prime Day is coming tomorrow and I have been knocked numb from just reading everything, just hoping to make a good choice and not buy something that is needing repair all the time. thanks
look up bambu labs.
thanks luke.. Ironically that was the machine I saw that makes me want to buy a unit, but basic model is too much money for me to dish out on something that I don't know if it would be practical enough for me to invest a 1000+ bux on.. I was looking more at the Creality models, but I want one that can do a 12"x12"x12" at least, like I said a bit more than just RC parts.. its is prime day today and tomorrow on Amazon.. I will get something I am sure.. was hoping to make an informed decision and not a oh pretty lights purchases. :)
thanks luke.. Ironically that was the machine I saw that makes me want to buy a unit, but basic model is too much money for me to dish out on something that I don't know if it would be practical enough for me to invest a 1000+ bux on.. I was looking more at the Creality models, but I want one that can do a 12"x12"x12" at least, like I said a bit more than just RC parts.. its is prime day today and tomorrow on Amazon.. I will get something I am sure.. was hoping to make an informed decision and not a oh pretty lights purchases. :)
I have a cr10. It hasn't been used in a while. I'm in the middle of moving and putting back into use. Its not a bad starter.
I have a cr10. It hasn't been used in a while. I'm in the middle of moving and putting back into use. Its not a bad starter.
thanks for the feedback Chubaka. I was looking at those units as well.. Not sure the size of the bed is well suited for me, if I remember correctly it is well suited for people that do not tinker or frig around much, it just does what its told to do. I do plan on trying to get my hands on open source stuff as I need it.. Have you designed your own stuff using software and then have it print out on the CR10? or just use the pre-programmed stuff?
I have not designed my own yet. Thingiverse.com cults3d and a few other sites will have you with ideas and samples!
I was just given an ender 3 pro by my son. Just replaced the heated bed, the mother board and added a glass bed. $74 for the parts. I know there are alot of better printers out there but you might consider one of the ender models for your first printer. This is my plan. I'm trying to learn with this one and then I will decide where to go from here. Just a thought
Thanks BBQguy. love the name. thanks for the info.. I am so torn on which model to buy, I almost pulled the pin on a Bamboo p1s. But I couldn't do it. I have been scouring the net alot lately and the Creality (ender) does catch my eye everytime because of the price but man it seems everyone is always buying more parts to make it work better right out of the box, so I am trying to avoid that part because holy crap there is so much out there that you can buy in addition to the actual printer. I get it, its cheap for the most part but I should not have to think so hard and since I have never used a 3d printer I have no idea what would be a good accessory vs. wasting my money on something I really don't need.. plus if you check out amazon and type in an ender pro right now, you get pages of models to pick from.. come on man.. make it easier. ug.. its over saturated.. should not be 50 different models sold by various store fronts. sigh.
damn you Luke.. I mean that in a good way btw.. do you have a camera set and watching me.. I am actually on the website as we speak. sigh.
Bang for the buck , the sovol SV06/ sv06 plus. easy to set up out of the box , super reliable, 300c capable all metal direct drive hot end handles materials that most in the same price range wont.. and the single biggest selling point for me is the motion system has no roller wheels.. its all linear rods and guides based on a proven prusa design.. I started replacing all my single color ender, Voxelab etc machines with them about a year ago. I have 3 now. 2 standards and a plus. I have yet to have one break down in anyway in the last year . They just work. its really that simple. No "hop up" parts to print because there was an engineering issue in the design, havent even had to print a fan duct for them..all 3 of mine are bone stock still, and when you consider the standards I got with a coupon for $225each and the plus with a coupon for $299, thats some HUGE bang for the buck..
Bang for the buck , the sovol SV06/ sv06 plus. easy to set up out of the box , super reliable, 300c capable all metal direct drive hot end handles materials that most in the same price range wont.. and the single biggest selling point for me is the motion system has no roller wheels.. its all linear rods and guides based on a proven prusa design.. I started replacing all my single color ender, Voxelab etc machines with them about a year ago. I have 3 now. 2 standards and a plus. I have yet to have one break down in anyway in the last year . They just work. its really that simple. No "hop up" parts to print because there was an engineering issue in the design, havent even had to print a fan duct for them..all 3 of mine are bone stock still, and when you consider the standards I got with a coupon for $225each and the plus with a coupon for $299, thats some HUGE bang for the buck..
Thanks for the info. that is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. :) and honestly the less wheels it has the better, the liner motion system on the v6 looks awesome.. I know you say you are stock on all of them, but I am curious do you tinker? Have you tried Klipper on any of your Solov units yet.. sounds like the V7 model went backwards a little regarding the hot bed.. its fast but I think if I got Klipper going on the v6 it would be comparable speed wise.. thanks again for the info.. much appreciated
Bang for the buck , the sovol SV06/ sv06 plus. easy to set up out of the box , super reliable, 300c capable all metal direct drive hot end handles materials that most in the same price range wont.. and the single biggest selling point for me is the motion system has no roller wheels.. its all linear rods and guides based on a proven prusa design.. I started replacing all my single color ender, Voxelab etc machines with them about a year ago. I have 3 now. 2 standards and a plus. I have yet to have one break down in anyway in the last year . They just work. its really that simple. No "hop up" parts to print because there was an engineering issue in the design, havent even had to print a fan duct for them..all 3 of mine are bone stock still, and when you consider the standards I got with a coupon for $225each and the plus with a coupon for $299, thats some HUGE bang for the buck..
Looks like a nice machine. đź‘Ś
I still like the Creality printers for FDM. I had an Ender 3 (OG) and am doing a conversion it to print ceramics for my mom. My current FDM printer is the Ender 5 Plus. I like it because it isn't a "bed slinger" but just moves the bed on the Z-axis. It's also a larger format printer (350X350X400) as well as the most popular upgrades (BL Touch leveling, Touch screen and filament run-out detection.

The Creality printers have great support online and can use many different slicer software and is open source.

I also use resin 3d printers (Elegoo Mars, Mars Pro and Saturn). and these are great for highly detailed smaller items. They just tend to be a bit messier and require more processing (cleaning the prints in isopropyl alcohol after removing the supports and then curing the model under UV light.
...but man it seems everyone is always buying more parts to make it work better right out of the box, so I am trying to avoid that part because holy crap there is so much out there that you can buy in addition to the actual printer.
The Creality printers will do well right out of the box. I ran my S5 for about 6 years before ever changing anything on it. And to be honest, it printed great completely stock.

The mods I have done on my standard CR10 were done more because I just love to tinker. Setting it up with Octoprint and upgrading the firmware have been my favorite upgrades on it.
I get it, its cheap for the most part but I should not have to think so hard and since I have never used a 3d printer I have no idea what would be a good accessory vs. wasting my money on something I really don't need..
When you do get a printer, just run it and get used to it. You will learn what upgrades you want to do, if any.