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I allways want to think that in general people are pretty good so here's a scenario. The man who shot the dogs was driving home from work and saw 2 pits walking down the street. Knowing that these dogs could be dangerous and that he had a gun, he felt it was his resposibillity to stick with them untill they were out of harms way or back home. When he saw the dogs heading towards a family, he did'nt want to shoot them but knew it could possibly put human life in danger so he did what he had to do. Now this is just what I would like to think happened.
glocktalk.com xdtalk.com concealedcarryforum.com etc...this topic has been beat to death. These topics on this forum will strike a nerve with an antigun, anti dog killer, etc...Seriously, at face value a guy killed a dog to protect his family. 30 minutes prior to discharging his firearm he could have phoned the animal control or 911 to alert them that there were "vicious breed" dogs without leashes roaming around. Either way if law enforcement said his actions were justified, then why question them?

For the record, I've nearly had my arm removed by a formar police german shepherd. He sure looked nice until something spooked him, I just happened to be the person he thought was the source. If a dog lowers his head and comes toward me, my gun will be drawn and I will get my ass as far away from it as I can without making direct eye contact. If it charged me, sorry pup.
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I work for a cable company and see dogs and on their turf. Some times, dogs like to try and expand their turf. It doesn't always have to be the customers dog that becomes the one that appears all of a sudden wanting to attack either. Though I do get the Adrenalin rush when one comes snapping at me, I try my best to keep my composure and not act as if I am afraid. What ever kind of radar that's in their head that can sense fear is pretty damn good.

Now I know it looks as if I am getting a little bit off topic on the last little bit here but this is why I stated all that first. If a dog I didn't know or know well enough came toward my family and I know it is some kind of breed that has been known to be aggressive, I would be laying down the lead too. When there are two, it's now a pack and two pits on the loose is not good. The owner of the dogs should have kept some kind of tabs on those animals to assure they wouldn't get loose.
But to stalk/follow for a long period of time with no contact to authorities just to kill them was taking it a bit too far. I will agree to that That man could have at least tried to warn others than just to hunt them down. Maybe he had some kind of grudge on pit bulls or some kind of power trip, I don't know.
I have to little ones. The thought of a dog laying into one of them would haunt my mind for the rest of my life. I know it's hard to inform your kid on how to prepare themselves if they are approached by an aggressive animal. I know most kids like animals and would rather pet them.
Example. My youngest, he tries not to feel afraid, but my in laws have a chow/heeler mix and some times the dog will try to show dominance. This scares the hell out of my 6 year old and then it's up to me to get the dog away. The dog is right at knee height. Any bigger and I would have to say the dog needs to be put away. Possibly, if it happens again, that may be the alternative. I now don't even let my kids be alone with that freakin dog.
My 7 year old is down right scared of them and dogs know it, or any other for that matter. So I avoid leaving him any where alone where large dogs near by and are on the loose.
Getting back to the main topic, if I had no clue who this dog/dogs were or belong to or never really got to know and they seem to be aggressive coming two rd my family, yeah I would do something. If it required filleting their skulls or better, making loud noises such as shots from a gun to scare them off.
It's topics just like this one that give a bad rap to pit bulls.

I'd like to see hard evidence that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these 2 "pitbulls" were in fact bent on terrorizing the neighborhood. Furthermore, I'd like to see proof they attempted attacking a family. OMG ITS COMING RIGHT FOR US!

Anyone who views a pit bull as a hazard, a dangerous breed, or as killers..obviously has never owned one, nor have they actually took the time to read up on them. All they see is what THE MEDIA WANTS THEM TO SEE.

Pit bulls get a bad name because of sadistic, ignorant owners, who use the dog for its intense game drive and willingness to please, as a means of a weapon. OMG OMG PIT BULL AT LARGE!! AHHH KILL IT! Holy crap folks....its a dog that LOOKS like a pit bull!


But is it really? NO! It's a Argentine Dogo.

We ban these animals because they look "scary" or they're "destructive". Yet, we don't ban Dalmatians, Corgy's, Pomeranian, or the like...why? Because they look so damn cute and cuddly and we just wanna take them home and play with them and pet them and hold them and...AHHHHH the little SOB takes your damn lip off! Then even still, we don't ban them.

How could a person destroy an animal that has such an immense drive to please? Such a game drive? An animal that will fight to the death for its owner, just to please them...That's sick.

All Dogs Bite..Don't be so quick to judge
my dad shot a pit bull cause it was atacking his friend. he actully got charged for it. the owner said it was a nice dog wouldent hurt any one and yet my dads friend had to go to the hospital cause of that dog
But to stalk/follow for a long period of time with no contact to authorities just to kill them was taking it a bit too far. I will agree to that That man could have at least tried to warn others than just to hunt them down

I think it is WRONG no matter how you look at it.
He was looking for a reason to kill them, end of story!
Don't buy into this"It's a pit bull hes a mean dog" It's BULL!

If a stupid white boy robs a bank should they all be shot?
And just for the record a dog may be a pet, but it(Along with everyones pet) is also a member of the family. Treat it like one.
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I have had 3 pitbulls in my life growing up as a kid to an adult. There just like any other dog. Mine always slept with me at night and always got excited and ran around crazy when i got home from school or a friends house. Always tried to lick my face off!

I had the upper right side of my face torn off my a 14 year old shorthair'd dauchand. or (weiner dog). I also have had 2 pits and one english bull dog/american pit mix. (154 lbs) the damn weiner dog was the only one who ever attacked me. My bull dog pit mix could retrieve a duck better than any lab that i have ever owned as well.


and that is a beautiful animal. Stout as hell.
I've been bit by a Black Lab, was my own when i was little i kinda forgot because no scars luckily! Thats because there was food he was eating and i didnt know because i was little i just wanted to play with him. he bit a hole in my lip. But it healed up can't even tell it happened, that same dog bit my sister the same way.

I was also bit by a dobermint Pincher, I'm scar'd from that, back of my head, so i can only get a #2 on the back and sides :(

I love pitbulls i feel so bad they have such a bad name.

Heres some information on them, i dont know if i read it here but i could of swore it says they are nicer then Labs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull
My stance applies to any breed of dog (or animal for that matter) that appears threatening and is let loose without an owner. The difference is that I wouldn't need to shoot a small dog like a Poodle or a Chihuahua. A swift kick would be plenty of force.

Dogs are unpredictable. Even Cesar Millan gets bitten occasionally, and probably for good reason. :hehe:
it also matters how they been raised. some have been raised good and some have been raised to kill but idk about this dog
It's all about training. You can train the sweetest dog to kill and the meanest dog to love. The key is to train it to kill ONLY if necessary. We used to have a trained German Shepard. He wouldn't hurt anyone unless he or his family (my mom, sis, or I) was threatened. Other than that he was as docile as they come. You could even walk onto our property and he would lick your hand. Try and leave? That was a different story but that is how we trained him...

In this case I see two wrongs that don't make a right: 1) The animals were loose--shame on the owner. 2) The killer followed them for a half hour--why didn't he simply call animal control? HE was looking for an excuse to kill those dogs.
prob by the time animal controle got there the dog would of done some thing. and if they did show up and it was attacking they would of killed the dog
In this case I see two wrongs that don't make a right: 1) The animals were loose--shame on the owner. 2) The killer followed them for a half hour--why didn't he simply call animal control? HE was looking for an excuse to kill those dogs.

No sense in it, I wish people would take better care of pets and I wish breeds didn't get a bad name..
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Ya well its true its all in the training. Every dog i've owned i play'd with where my hand and arm was in its mouth and I never ever got scared of playing with them thinking they could just chomp down on my hand. I miss my dog because i no longer live at home. Everytime i come home he gets very wild and excited and goes pretty much crazy but he's just being excited jumping around it makes me laugh, i dont know we never trained him to do anything he just knows what to do and not to. out side is the bathroom and we feed him inside or outside, so.....
Mine would only go nuts when i hit the duck call. lol