every time I hang out with any kind of community is always problems why?

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dude, ponder this. There are enough habitable worlds in this universe for each of use to have at least two or more all to ourselves (that would be a little boring after a while thought). Why the hell did we all end up in one silly world? We can see other's crap with significant clarity yet we are able to weave complicated webs of deceit around our own problems and deficiencies so we can keep them. Why? I think the point is to TOLERATE others and let them be who they are without affecting your path and direction (not easy, sometimes very hard). We are social creatures and gravitate towards each other for company and survival. This is good, otherwise we would not be learning (not that we learn all that quickly as a race). We are also seeking to rule the physical universe and selfishly get ours often at the expense of others. Fairness is an inert condition for humans, but we need to develop it and stay the course. We are here to work out our deficiencies. Take a deep breath and know that ALL is where it's supposed to be, that's just the way it is. Accept it, make the best of it, be grateful you can feel the pain and seek to understand it. Understanding makes it all clear and peaceful within you. It will all come in time, patience. Yes, human beings are not always pleasant to say the least and at times out right devious and evil to say the most. I think the trick is to identify the ass-holes as soon as possible. Recognizing that they too belong here also and are growing too. But perhaps not at the same level as you. And maybe better to stay away from them at the start. Do listen to elders that you feel are trust worthy and wise around you, that's why they are there. Sending you all the white energy I can muster up. GOOD LUCK bro, your are not alone and the results although not apparent are must worthy! Hang in there!
Thank you for that I really needed to hear this stuff because I went through a lot of hell for about 10 days. I had a guy that I once looked up to as a Elder about the same age as my father he looks like in his YouTube videos and he turned on me because I asked him how was I getting the Nitro tuning thing because you seen the video but he couldn't articulate to me how I was getting it. He just said I was getting it but I wanted to know in detail.

I was disappointed that Curtis Baker 65 turn against me. I never did nothing to that guy but try to be myself. You should look at the horse stuff he said. I know this has nothing to do with nobody or with you but this is an example of everything that you were saying as far as us humans.

We humans are the most abominable creatures on this Earth the things that we do and the animal kingdom is contrary to what we do.
The only way that we could be on Mother Nature's right hand of things is we all come together and be kind to one another. And I understand that everybody's way up understanding stuff and how they pick up stuff is different.

Just because I don't get up and do something right away does not mean I'm making excuses. And just because I don't think like most of the people shouldn't give nobody no excuse to leave someone in a way that they're left out when they ask for help on the post and don't get no response.

I know it's a lot of saying but this was the hell that I was describing and went through. I hope that there are people that are listening to your message that can what you're saying.

I was talking to my mother and asked what the hell is wrong with me. She told me it's not you it's them you're probably smarter than they are but I really don't like to consider myself as smarter than anyone. We are all here for a purpose and yes we are all different. But I never try to put myself as better than someone else. But she told me that you probably know more than what they do and they're probably insulted. And I laughed I said Mom how the hell can you get insulted over someone that is a complete beginner of something that he's asking the same people about.

Well the one thing my mom always taught me was to think positive and stay strong and if I would have said otherwise she would not even hear a word of it.

I know one thing and I hope and pray that Curtis will see this as far as learning. And anyone else that's out here that's that thinks the same way.

Never ever put what you do at what something has been going on and a community over someone else because somebody else that might come off odd. Could be more of a blessing in addition to your community and it'd be a great asset.

Listen I would never ever do half the s*** that he and others have done as far as just the abandonment.

I don't want to come off as keep mentioning his name in the way that I'm ranting about him. But there are people like him out here and that's why I'm using him as an example. To describe my points. Thank you for the message.
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You're not alone.
Thing about it is it's just I went through some weird stuff so right now I think I'm in that twilight Zone or something cuz it sure f*** feel like it. Sooner or later regardless of what happens as far as people I'm going to do what I'm going to have to do that's all.
What are going to have to do?

What ever it is make sure it's not something you will regret. Quitting something is totally acceptable, but harming yourself or others is something that you will regret.

Mental health is no freakin joke. If left untreated, it will get worse and worse over time. My best advice to you would be to find a support group. Get off your computer, phone, or whatever, and go find people to help you figure this out. I wish you the best of luck.

Seriously, there are thousands of people waiting to help you and keep you safe.
dude, you are here to experience and grow, time is an very good illusion in this physical reality but an illusion nevertheless. Don't waste the opportunity you have now to experience all (joy, hate, depression, love, patience, . . . ) all is there to polish your soul. Be grateful for having the abundance that you have. (It could be a hell of a lot worse no matter how bad you think it may be now.) All is there for you, may not seem like it now, but it is. Use it, grow, don't abuse it. There is an accounting at the end. But most important of all, recognize and BE grateful for what you have attained already! and more is on it's way, be patient and tolerant. Keep most of this stuff personal, no one really appreciates and this is after all for an rc forum ;) Best of luck friend!
I don't understand what is going on. Has there been posts asking for nitro tuning help? The only things I have seen is behavioral and philosophical discussions and videos about socializing 🤔😮😳
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I don't understand what is going on. Has there been posts asking for nitro tuning help? The only things I have seen is behavioral and philosophical discussions and videos about socializing 🤔😮😳
Well I make my points and I make examples of things and sometimes when I make examples of things. I have a habit of taking too much. And going long long and going overboard and making examples on things, then what happens is it changes the subject to a totally different thing. Which is my fault. Because I can't seem to have a cohesive point and ended.

So yeah a lot of times I don't try to go off topic at all. But I will admit because when I make examples of stuff I don't keep it short that's the problem.
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You're not alone.

What are going to have to do?

What ever it is make sure it's not something you will regret. Quitting something is totally acceptable, but harming yourself or others is something that you will regret.

Seriously, there are thousands of people waiting to help you and keep you safe.
I don't quit I don't give up easily. Pretty much I was taught all my life never to give up. Even when the chips were down. And you know that's what I want to do I want to grow on this community not disintegrated or having issues you know. I don't give up on anything sometimes even with people because. My mother was the biggest influence on my life.
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dude, you are here to experience and grow, time is an very good illusion in this physical reality but an illusion nevertheless. Don't waste the opportunity you have now to experience all (joy, hate, depression, love, patience, . . . ) all is there to polish your soul. Be grateful for having the abundance that you have. (It could be a hell of a lot worse no matter how bad you think it may be now.) All is there for you, may not seem like it now, but it is. Use it, grow, don't abuse it. There is an accounting at the end. But most important of all, recognize and BE grateful for what you have attained already! and more is on it's way, be patient and tolerant. Keep most of this stuff personal, no one really appreciates and this is after all for an rc forum ;) Best of luck friend!
Yeah thank you. I will try. I mean I want to grow and I want to understand stuff you know. And to be fair for those that think that I only just talk about other things. There's another part on this RC website that is called chaos which is a off topic section where you can post things off topic.
So some of my postings if you do a search of them you'll find on there under the chaos section.
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What is this about cbaker 65 leaving?

We may have our outlooks in a different light as far as patience and understanding on things.

But I don't want him to leave because if he contributes a lot to this community that he should too. And if he's leaving because of me well i'm nobody. I'm just a loser basically. He has a better that I have. And that's real talk. In the past I had appreciated some things he has done to help me. So he may not be able to speak or anything to me. But that shouldn't stop him at all.
@cbaker65 isn't leaving. @newnitro2020 is right?
What is this about cbaker 65 leaving?

We may have our outlooks in a different light as far as patience and understanding on things.

But I don't want him to leave because if he contributes a lot to this community that he should too. And if he's leaving because of me well i'm nobody. I'm just a loser basically. He has a better that I have. And that's real talk. In the past I had appreciated some things he has done to help me. So he may not be able to speak or anything to me. But that shouldn't stop him at all.
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I don't mean no harm but I want to end this discussion on this thread. the reason why is because if it's causing problems. In terms of other people leaving this site long-term users. Then I don't want that to happen. And it shouldn't be because of someone that is loser like myself. So if you don't mind folks let's close this topic.

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I actually contacted him because I felt bad. I'm thinking this is my fault. And I just told him that if you like what you do it don't matter if there is personality difference. Then do it and don't let someone like me getting away cuz that was not my intention you know what I mean. Curse me for having the social problems that I'm having and other things. Curse me. That's all I'm going to say.
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My apologies, I misread the conversation @newnitro2020 posted.
I guess I stepped where I shouldn't have stepped.
I should have followed my own advise and stayed out of a conversation that isn't any of my business.