My fish died

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Robmob is a Californian.
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Had two mollies, Jake and The Fat man, from when they were born until today, about 6 months. They had grown nicely and seem to be doing great, until last night, the were both really sluggish and stayed right by the heater.

I read on the net it could be ICK...? Unfortunatly they were both dead this morning.

The tank (14 gallong) had got a rusty color on the rocks just a few days ago, ateast thats when I noticed it. The only thing I've put in the water was the clorene killer drops. The pump seems to keep the water clean and its always around 74 deg.

Why/what made my fish get sick so sudden and die? I really want to take precautions better next time because I really liked them two, they were friendly, would nibble on your finger, was cool.
Any tips? I just bought some stuff for killing algae...Should I clean the tank all out, run the clorene killer and algae killer for a few weeks before getting new fish?
That sucks. I just had to flush a koi this morning. I would that a water sample to you local pet store and see if they can test it. Mine just stopped eating after she spawned.
Might have to do that with a sample.
That sucks man. If it was ick you should be able to see little white lice looking poop on their fins. Did you recently do a water change? I've killed fish after water changes.
I did a water change about 3 weeks ago. I didnt really see any white on them but they had redish streaks.
Ick will show up as white spots on the tail and fins, easy to spot on black mollies.
If you ever put any tablets in, put them in the filter where they can dissolve and circulate without fish nibbling on pieces.
Keep a separate thermometer on the opposite side of the tank from the heater and make sure the water circulates evenly.
You also need to get a PH test kit, since the little guys are very sensitive to bad water.
When you add water, let it sit for a day to let most of the chlorine evaporate out. Add it just a little at a time so the temperature change doesn't shock them.
Get a couple of little catfish to take care of the algae.

I would suggest getting the cats first, and let them clean house for you before you add any others. Glass cats are cool. You can see through them.
Thanks Rolex.
I used this website before we got our little tank. We have a little 10 gallon with 2 Tiger Barbs. I'm honestly not that great at keeping up with it. I do a 50% water change no more than every other weekend even though you're supposed to do it weekly. At least that's what's recommended. I don't add anything more than what you do, the anti-chlorine stuff. I bought two cheap monitors to watch ph and something else (can't remember what right now) and it stayed relatively consistant for a couple weeks with a water change in between. I would get your water sampled for sure. everybody's tap is different. I'm guessing we've had our about the same amount of time as you.
Thanks for the link...
I would empty my tank for a complete cleaning and change of gravel once a year. Other than that, I never changed water.
Add water as soon as you see it go below the top frame, keep the filter materials clean and everything else balanced properly. Other than that, catfish take care of the floor and the algae, and all my fish lived long and happy lives.
RIP Jake and The Fat man, Been along time since I had fish but when I did I was like Rolex, rarely changed the water, I ran a back filter with a couple power heads and tested the water, had couple Plecostomus in there to help keep things clean and added well cleaned and rinsed crushed oyster shell the keep the tank on the alcali side of the PH, all of the fish did well until my kid accidentally hit the tank with a toy and broke it, have not had a tank since.:\:whhooo:
I used to keep a couple of those Chinese algae eaters in my smaller tanks and a plecostomous in my larger tanks. They would keep the algae at bay and wouldn't harm other community fish like mollies. I liked having catfish... but they liked eating other fish! lol

I had a hard time keeping mollies alive though. I think my water was too hard for them.

I really liked the weather and clown loaches. They would chase each other around and play like seals do.
Sorry to hear about the fish bro, hope you have better luck the next time!
I've got 21 fish in my tank now, and it is doing great. I lost a few here and there, but it was because my angel fish gets very aggressive when she lays eggs and would take out one or two of the smaller guys.

I agree that you should get the water tested. I dont use any drops, or cleaners in my tank. I use the water prep liquid when i add water, but all it does it neutralize the chlorine in the tap water. I have a pleco for the algae, as well as a pair of red fin sharks, and some dojo loaches, which all feed on the bottom. I have 8 danyo's, 4 emperer tetras, a neon tetra, 2 mollys, and the bitch angel fish.
Beason, I had almost the exact collection of fish that you have, including a bitch Angel. It was VERY aggressive to the little neons, especially at feeding time.
I'd finally had enough, and one day I sprinkled the food in the feeding ring and fired a .22 caliber CO2 powered pellet gun as soon as it came up to feed. Caught it square between the eyes. :stickup:

All the little fishies partied all night long, and lived to party for several more years. :celebrate3::celebrate:
Got pesky fish? Get a black convict cichlid. I had two babies in a community tank, awaiting transfer to another tank the next day. They were babies, as in, maybe a week or two old. They cleaned out eight fish overnight. No need to start a new tank I guess.
Is growing moss easy to do? I seen some for sale on ebay. Could I start growing it before getting the catfish and would they beable to live around it?

Got pesky fish? Get a black convict cichlid. I had two babies in a community tank, awaiting transfer to another tank the next day. They were babies, as in, maybe a week or two old. They cleaned out eight fish overnight. No need to start a new tank I guess.

Id over feed them and then they would get huge and attach me in my sleep.:D
Stuff like Java moss or ferns is relatively easy to keep alive as long as you have the right lighting. How big is your tank? You need a fairly large tank to have cats unless they are the corydora breed.

Check out this site. If you look in the info it will tell you what the recommended tank size is for the fish you want and what they eat and proper tank mates.
Thanks for the link Brando.

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