Lance Armstrong eats it, big time

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i would still like to think he didnt cheat. i would like to see how good he would be with out cheating.
He's been fighting those guys for a long time, and now they're coming up with this stuff, again. The track record of fighting the USADA in these arbitrations, or whatever they calling it, is 52 or 58 to 2 in favor of the USADA. It's a kangaroo court. Guilty or not, he's chosen not to fight a battle he knows he can't win.

If you believe the USADA, then everybody was doping when Armstrong was racing the TDF. Most of the allegations seem to be from other racers, and the whole things smacks of the classic auto racing quote: "I know they're cheating, because we're cheating, and we can't beat them."

Fact is, Lance did win those races. Apparently, against fields of doped racers. They can strike his name from official lists, but the historic records still exist. They can't rewrite history, no matter how much they want to.
Unless I misread some other stories it would seem that at the time he won the races he was doping but it was for PED's they didnt have a test for yet. If thats the case how can you be cheating if you can't be caught yet? Its just like all the past baseball, football, hockey champions. I'm willing to bet if they tested samples from the past eras champions they would see that everyone has cheated to win!!

IMO - the bigger issue is theres no "good guys" anymore. All these kids are groomed to win from the age of 3-4 years old AT ANY COST. If you have to cheat to win - well its only cheating when you get caught. When you dont your the best at your sport (Until you get caught - than you lose everything)
If its true he will go broke lol. Livepoor will be the new slogan...
Apparently he, and lots of others have disgraced the sport with their 'enhancements'.
You don't have to cheat to win, but apparently you have to cheat to beat any legitimate record set by talented athletes. Just ask Mark McGuire and a few others.
Speaking of Mark McGuire, I have an original baesball card of his record hitting homer printed on an actual ticket from the game. Would that be worth more than what I paid for it however far back he did that?
How do we know that the people that set the older records weren't doping too...Performance enhancers have been around for a long long time. Until they can prove otherwise I say the new records are good and the older generations cheated just the same!
Last I checked, in the US, you are innocent until proven guilty (or supposed to be anyway) and not the other way around. He passed over 500 blood / urine tests during those years, and never failed one, not once. The USADA has no proof of anything at all (just rumors and hearsay), and have failed on numerous attempts to build a legitimate case against him, yet they still stripped the medals and re-wrote the record books to suit their political agenda. IMHO, this sets a scary precedent moving forward; "We don't need proof, so and so says you did so you must be guilty." :no:
Last I checked, in the US, you are innocent until proven guilty (or supposed to be anyway) and not the other way around. He passed over 500 blood / urine tests during those years, and never failed one, not once. The USADA has no proof of anything at all (just rumors and hearsay), and have failed on numerous attempts to build a legitimate case against him, yet they still stripped the medals and re-wrote the record books to suit their political agenda. IMHO, this sets a scary precedent moving forward; "We don't need proof, so and so says you did so you must be guilty." :no:

Everything I've read says he was basically doping but it was with dope that they didnt have a test for at the time. Now that they have the tests for the PED's he was using they are saying he was dirty and cheated - which he did but again every major sport is full of cheaters. What I dont agree with is penalizing him now for using a drug they didnt test for then. Makes no sense!!
Hell i think the stuff he is accused of taking is drugs that he had to take for the damn nut cancer he survived! It kills me that a man survives what he has went through and comes out on top with major accomplishments and society just can't accept it. They have to accuse him of taking enhancement drugs. The fact that the man trains his whole life and builds the endurance has nothing to do with it to the world.
I wish all pro sports would allow steroid use. Would make them way more exciting.
Last I checked, in the US, you are innocent until proven guilty (or supposed to be anyway) and not the other way around. He passed over 500 blood / urine tests during those years, and never failed one, not once. The USADA has no proof of anything at all (just rumors and hearsay), and have failed on numerous attempts to build a legitimate case against him, yet they still stripped the medals and re-wrote the record books to suit their political agenda. IMHO, this sets a scary precedent moving forward; "We don't need proof, so and so says you did so you must be guilty." :no:

I couldn't say it better myself.
doping in sports is bad and unfair period.

BUT...its kinda like making a new law then arresting people for things they did 10 years ago when it was legal....if that makes sense?

the whole thing is fubar.

Since when is it the governments business to get involved with entertainment? Seems like there are plenty of other issues to deal with. Must be their attempt to keep the lemmings focused on something else.
Don't really care if he did. Don't really care if he didn't. The man did what he did and should be recognized for it. Good and bad.
How do we know that the people that set the older records weren't doping too...

Babe Ruth used enhancements.....endless hot dogs and late night womanizing.
Mickey Mantle used enhancements....cigarettes and lots of beer.
Roger Maris was the soft spoken family man who did it with skill and talent.

Roger, Mark McGuire was never able to break the record you set. So he cheated, then lied before the congressional committee. Some hero.

Lance Armstrong continues to insist that he never tested positive, however, NEVER has he said that he didn't do drugs. Just a play on words there.

---------- Post added at 2:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 2:53 PM ----------

Don't really care if he did. Don't really care if he didn't. The man did what he did and should be recognized for it. Good and bad.

That's just wrong. If someone had all the answer sheets to get into Harvard Law School, should he be recognized for being brilliant?
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but all athletes use some form of performance enhancing items...whether it be the food they eat, the exercise they perform, the equipment they use etc etc etc.

So if he was using something that no one else thought of.....and the tests weren't calibrated to is that illegal? Assuming he actually did do doping of some kind. I mean that's like the cops showing up at my house and arresting me for speeding down the highway at 100mph.....when there was no one else on the road to see me actually do it....or camera equipment to film me do it.

This Lance Armstrong stuff is a bunch of BS. If they can't say what he was doping with...they shouldn't have a leg to stand on. Maybe he figured out that popping 3 Aleve before a race made him's all heresay.

If he did it, and everyone else is doing it....then he still won. If he didn't do it...and everyone else is doing it....then he really is superman. Prove it or shut the heck up. ;-)
I'm just bummed out that he doesn't have the balls to stand up for him self....

:D Oh yes I did.

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