Sold / Found FS Mugen MBX5 Roller + extras

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All better :idea: hey Iam calling you now LOL man edit your post LOL
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just did.....thanks Untchbl......appreciate the update....
Plaidfish said:
just did.....thanks Untchbl......appreciate the update....

Hey I have his cell ### if you want to call hin LOL
LOL everyone has his number....he's been PMing me and I've tried the number every time and get the same message about it being cancelled.....IDK.....I just wanted to hear from him and I did.....I'll try his nuber again later in the day.....I'm positive all is good in the deal.....I'm stoked I'm gettin a mugen....and thanks ZANDOR and bigmo for easing my needless worry....
that's weird. My phone is working fine.


I could call you If you want :jk:
if you called I might have bad dreams about friuty killer clowns from outer space.....LOL...or foamy dogs chasing me down the street in my underwear....I'm too fragile to dream that way...might wake up sucking my thumb...
GOT MY BUGGY AND IT ROCKS...Thanks Untchbl....great deal good guy......still can't call your number though...LOL....dude your phone hates me....
lol, not sure why eric. lol. I will be sure to call you in the next couple days however.

Glad you like it.


what do you think of the body?
pretty good....I tried to paint one for my mutant maxx last nite and got too side came out just like I wanted it and the other and the hood have runs......crap...oh well it was the first serious attempt I ever made......that one you did must have taken a while to do....lots of love in that...thanks...I just finished putting all the parts away so I guess It's official I now have a mugen LOL....few ???....what diff fluids do you use...and shock oils.....I'm going to try and run it as is on saturday and I was curious....I'll tear it down next week and do the super anal probing / getting to know it job.....thanks again....
5 7 2 in the diffs. front to rear. mugen oils. and mugen shock fluid in the shocks 350 I believe. can't remember for sure.

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