"No country for old men"... wasted 2 hours of my life...

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Dekalb, IL
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  1. Bashing
Well... that was one of the most disappointing movies in a long long time... Anyone else hate how it ended? Or am I in the minority?

Build... build... build... build... credits. Wha da fu?

Almost like getting CharliesTheMan's 5B, putting it all together, paying close attention to every detail, then setting it on fire.

Man... now I'm too annoyed to sleep!
Thats too bad, I was looking forward to seeing it.
well,previews looked pretty good(guess there supose to). thanks for the heads up.
My wife and I were really looking forward to it as well...

If you want to spoil it, do a google search for: "No country for old men" dissapointment

You will see what I mean.
If you guys want a good movie, Into The Wild. Its probally the best movie I have seen in a year or so at least! Must see in my oppion. But I know how it feels to be let down buy a movie, the last time I went to the theaters I saw Delta Force, with bill ingvall, and lary the cabele guy, I fell asleep about a hour in lol.

horton hears a who dr suess was ok to my son to it today it wasn't bad
haha, my girlfriend and I watched it the other night, when it ended she was like "WTF, that was stupid. I don't get it" so I told her it was because she was a girl, that's why she didn't understanding the ending.

I couldn't tell her I had no idea either - haha.

If you guys want a good movie, Into The Wild.

Ok... I'm never taking movie criticism from you again! We rented/watched that today... I wanted to kill that kid 10 minutes into the movie. How many shots with a .22 would it take to bring down a full size bull moose? More than that kid could have carried without a dump truck! I kept yelling at the TV, "GROW UP YOU LITTLE SNOT NOSED BASTARD!!!".

haha, my girlfriend and I watched it the other night, when it ended she was like "WTF, that was stupid. I don't get it" so I told her it was because she was a girl, that's why she didn't understanding the ending.

Yeah. I tried to do something similar, but my wife knows me too well. She yelled out at the TV "WTF!!! THAT'S IT!!!". I was like "Wha? You don't get it? Well it's entirely too simple, so I won't bother explaining it to you."

That was followed promptly by being hit with a missilonic clicker in the melon.
Hahah I dont know I found it good. Maby Its just because I have been to most of those places, beside's alaska that is, and it was cool to see it on tv like that. I thought that the story was good how he changed the lives of those people along the way. I guess I didnt really pay attention to the hole alaska part. I wish I had a HD to see movies like this on. Oh well to each is own. Maby if you watch delta farce youll find it good lol if you can stay awake lol. JK man.

I doubt that... I hate larry the cable guy.

The scenery and a lot of the music was pretty good in "the wild", the movie was written and done well... I just hate kids that get this "I'm better than everyone" chip on their shoulder and blame the world for all their own problems. The movie itself was pretty good actually. I was just busting your chops. ;)

Although... it was nice to see someone nailing home the lesson at the end.

Speaking of good "sappy" movies, anyone see "Life as a house"? Kevin Kline is such an under rated actor. There hasn't been one movie he was in that I didn't like, or at least appreciate his acting abilities. And for some ridiculous reason, I liked "The lake house". Don't tell anyone, keep that between you and me!
Ill have to check that one out huh. You guys know what looks good, Leather Heads. Funny yet George, will probally put his goofy sence of humor in it. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I'm going to go watch american ganster right now, so I'm out! lol.

I'm with you there. Cloony is great. O' brother where art thou is one of my all time favorite comedies.

"This place is a geographical oddity! TWO WEEKS FROM EVERYWHERE!"

Ill have to check that one out huh.

If your talking about "Life as a House", it's good, but sad.
"No country for old men" is a new movie? How odd, I just saw an ad on TV last night for the Blu Ray DVD. I guess they already knew that they had a bomb on their hands and released the DVD for people to buy before reading the reviews.
Rolex, they re-released it when it won "Best picture of the year" award. Havent seen it yet, i'm sure i'll pick it up sometime.
Well I never did watch American gangster that night, because I got sucked into one of my favorit movies of all time "The Searchers" lol. But I did watch American gangster last night, and what a kick ass movie. Some harsh sceens but all around good. I like movies based on a true story I guess lol. If you guys havent seen it give it a try!

Rent all the way! I dont buy many movies. Blockbuster online!